import urllib from django import forms from django.template.defaultfilters import filesizeformat from django.utils.text import get_text_list from PIL import ImageFile class ImageURLField(forms.URLField): """ A URL field specifically for images, which can validate details about the filesize, dimensions and format of an image at a given URL. Specifying any of the following arguments will result in the appropriate validation of image details, retrieved from the URL specified in this field: max/min_filesize An integer specifying an image filesize limit, in bytes. max/min_width An integer specifying an image width limit, in pixels. max/min_height An integer specifying an image height limit, in pixels. image_formats A list of image formats to be accepted, specified as uppercase strings. For a list of valid image formats, see the "Image File Formats" section of the `Python Imaging Library Handbook`_. .. _`Python Imaging Library Handbook`: """ def __init__(self, max_filesize=None, min_filesize=None, max_width=None, min_width=None, max_height=None, min_height=None, image_formats=None, *args, **kwargs): super(ImageURLField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.max_filesize, self.min_filesize = max_filesize, min_filesize self.max_width, self.min_width = max_width, min_width self.max_height, self.min_height = max_height, min_height self.image_formats = image_formats self.validate_image = \ max_filesize is not None or min_filesize is not None or \ max_width is not None or min_width is not None or \ max_height is not None or min_height is not None or \ image_formats is not None def clean(self, value): value = super(ImageURLField, self).clean(value) if value == u'' or not self.validate_image: return value try: filesize, dimensions, format = self._get_image_details(value) if dimensions is None or format is None: raise forms.ValidationError( 'Could not retrieve image details from this URL.') if self.max_filesize is not None and filesize > self.max_filesize: raise forms.ValidationError( u'The image at this URL is %s large - it must be at most %s.' % ( filesizeformat(filesize), filesizeformat(self.max_filesize))) if self.min_filesize is not None and filesize < self.min_filesize: raise forms.ValidationError( u'The image at this URL is %s large - it must be at least %s.' % ( filesizeformat(filesize), filesizeformat(self.min_filesize))) if self.max_width is not None and dimensions[0] > self.max_width: raise forms.ValidationError( u'The image at this URL is %s pixels wide - it must be at most %s pixels.' % ( dimensions[0], self.max_width)) if self.min_width is not None and dimensions[0] < self.min_width: raise forms.ValidationError( u'The image at this URL is %s pixels wide - it must be at least %s pixels.' % ( dimensions[0], self.min_width)) if self.max_height is not None and dimensions[1] > self.max_height: raise forms.ValidationError( u'The image at this URL is %s pixels high - it must be at most %s pixels.' % ( dimensions[1], self.max_height)) if self.min_height is not None and dimensions[1] < self.min_height: raise forms.ValidationError( u'The image at this URL is %s pixels high - it must be at least %s pixels.' % ( dimensions[1], self.min_height)) if self.image_formats is not None and format not in self.image_formats: raise forms.ValidationError( u'The image at this URL is in %s format - %s %s.' % ( format, len(self.image_formats) == 1 and u'the only accepted format is' or 'accepted formats are', get_text_list(self.image_formats))) except IOError: raise forms.ValidationError(u'Could not load an image from this URL.') return value def _get_image_details(self, url): """ Retrieves details about the image accessible at the given URL, returning a 3-tuple of (filesize, image dimensions (width, height) and image format), or (filesize, ``None``, ``None``) if image details could not be determined. The Python Imaging Library is used to parse the image in chunks in order to determine its dimension and format details without having to load the entire image into memory. Adapted from """ file = urllib.urlopen(url) filesize = file.headers.get('content-length') if filesize: filesize = int(filesize) p = ImageFile.Parser() while 1: data = if not data: break p.feed(data) if p.image: return filesize, p.image.size, p.image.format break file.close() return filesize, None, None