from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup from markdown import markdown from pygments import highlight from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name, guess_lexer from template_utils.markup import formatter from typogrify.templatetags.typogrify import typogrify def typygmentdown(text, **kwargs): """ Given a string of text using Markdown syntax, applies the following transformations: 1. Searches out and temporarily removes any raw ```` elements in the text. 2. Applies Markdown and typogrify to the remaining text. 3. Applies Pygments highlighting to the contents of the removed ```` elements. 4. Re-inserts the ```` elements and returns the result. The Pygments lexer to be used for highlighting is determined by the ``class`` attribute of each ```` element found; if none is present, it will attempt to guess the correct lexer before falling back on plain text. The following keyword arguments are understood and passed to markdown if found: * ``extensions`` Markdown's ``safe_mode`` argument is *not* passed on, because it would cause the temporary ```` elements in the text to be escaped. The following keyword arguments are understood and passed to Pygments if found: * ``linenos`` The removal, separate highlighting and re-insertion of the ```` elements is necessary because Markdown and SmartyPants do not reliably avoid formatting text inside these elements; removing them before applying Markdown and typogrify means they are in no danger of having extraneous HTML or fancy punctuation inserted by mistake. Original implementation by user 'blinks' as snippet #119 at djangosnippets: This version makes the following changes: * The name of the function is now ``typygmentdown``. * The argument signature has changed to work better with the ``template_utils`` formatter. * The ``extensions`` and ``linenos`` arguments are looked for and passed to Markdown and Pygments, respectively. * The function is registered with the ``template_utils`` formatter. """ soup = BeautifulSoup(str(text)) code_blocks = soup.findAll('code') for block in code_blocks: block.replaceWith('') htmlized = typogrify(markdown(str(soup), extensions=kwargs.get('extensions', []))) soup = BeautifulSoup(htmlized) empty_code_blocks, index = soup.findAll('code', 'removed'), 0 formatter = HtmlFormatter(cssclass='typygmentdown', linenos=kwargs.get('linenos', False)) for block in code_blocks: if block.has_key('class'): language = block['class'] else: language = 'text' try: lexer = get_lexer_by_name(language, stripnl=True, encoding='UTF-8') except ValueError, e: try: lexer = guess_lexer(block.renderContents()) except ValueError, e: lexer = get_lexer_by_name('text', stripnl=True, encoding='UTF-8') empty_code_blocks[index].replaceWith( highlight(block.renderContents(), lexer, formatter)) index = index + 1 # This is ugly, but it's the easiest way to kill extraneous paragraphs Markdown inserts. return str(soup).replace('


', '\n\n') formatter.register('typygmentdown', typygmentdown)