"""Autocomplete support for foreign keys. Requires the protoculous JavaScript library.""" # Widget # originally from http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/253/ from django import newforms as forms from django.newforms.widgets import TextInput, flatatt from django.newforms.util import smart_unicode from django.utils.html import escape class AutoCompleteField(TextInput): def __init__(self, url='', options=None, attrs=None): self.url = url self.options = {'paramName': 'text'} if options: self.options.update(options) if attrs is None: attrs = {} self.attrs = attrs def render(self, name, value=None, attrs=None): final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, name=name) if value: value = smart_unicode(value) final_attrs['value'] = escape(value) if not self.attrs.has_key('id'): final_attrs['id'] = 'id_%s' % name return (u'''
''' ) % { 'attrs': flatatt(final_attrs), 'name': name, 'id': final_attrs['id'], 'url': self.url, 'options': plist_from_dict(self.options) } def plist_from_dict(d): """Convert a Python dict into a JavaScript property list. The order of the items in the returned string is undefined.""" return '{' + ', '.join(['%s: %r' % kv for kv in d.items()]) + '}' # Query helper from django.db.models import Model, Q def autocomplete_query(text, model_or_qs, fields): """Return just those rows of model that contain all of the words of text in the fields string list. Instead of a Model class, you may also pass an initial QuerySet instance, e.g. for prefiltering or setting a different order. If a field name starts with a caret (^), the term is a prefix match (field LIKE "word%"), otherwise it is a full search (field LIKE "%word%").""" # check if a Model or a QuerySet was passed if issubclass(model_or_qs, Model): qs = model_or_qs.objects.all() else: qs = model_or_qs # pre-calculate the filter terms, they'll be user once per word terms = [ f.startswith('^') and f[1:] + '__istartswith' or f + '__icontains' for f in fields ] # look for each word in every field -- this queryset represents # the statement # # SELECT * FROM model_or_qs # WHERE (field1 LIKE '%word1%' OR field2 LIKE '%word1%' OR ...) # AND (field1 LIKE '%word2%' OR field2 LIKE '%word2%' OR ...) # AND (field1 LIKE ...) # ... # for word in text.split(): q = Q() for term in terms: q = q | Q(**{term: word}) qs = qs.filter(q) return qs # View helper from django.http import HttpResponse def autocomplete_response(text, model_or_qs, fields, max_count=50): """Return the unordered list that is required by the Ajax.AutoCompleter. The field value will be the item's id; its __str__ is displayed along with it, but not stored.""" qs = autocomplete_query(text, model_or_qs, fields) if qs.count() > max_count: result = [(0, _('Too many results, please enter more'))] else: result = [(d.id, '%s' % d) for d in qs] result = '\n'.join([ '