from functools import wraps from django.core.cache import cache def execute_once_in(seconds): """ This decorator wraps a normal function so that it can be executed only once in the next few seconds. Useful to make Celery email sending tasks idempotent and safeguard against SQS messages delivered twice (in rare cases). Usage: @task @execute_once_in(3600) def myfunction(): pass If called multiple times, the above method will be executed only one time during the next hour following its first execution. """ def decorator(func): def inner_decorator(*args, **kwargs): key = "%s.%s" % (func.__module__, func.__name__) key = key.replace(' ','_') # memcache doesn't like spaces # NB: there's no way to tell if # func() didn't execute or returned nothing if cache.get(key): return cache.set(key, True, seconds) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wraps(func)(inner_decorator) return decorator