from south import migration from south.models import MigrationHistory class SouthUnranMigrationCheck(object): def process_request(self, request): ''' Checks if you ran all South migrations. If not, it will throw an exception (DidNotApplyAllMigrations). ''' unapplied_migrations = self.unapplied_migrations() if len(unapplied_migrations) > 0: message = u'You haven\'t run the following migrations: {}'.format( u''.join( [u'\n "{}" in app "{}".'.format(name, app) for name, app in unapplied_migrations] ) ) raise DidNotApplyAllMigrations(message) def unapplied_migrations(self): ''' Returns a list of tuples of unapplied migrations. The tuples consist of a migration name and an app label. ''' applied_migrations = self.applied_migrations() unapplied_migrations = [] for app_migration_files in migration.all_migrations(): for migration_file in app_migration_files: app_label = migration_file.app_label() migration_name = if migration_name not in applied_migrations[app_label]: unapplied_migrations.append((migration_name, app_label)) return unapplied_migrations def applied_migrations(self): ''' Returns a dictionary with the app name in the key, and a list of migrations in the value. ''' applied_migrations = {} for applied_migration in MigrationHistory.objects.all(): if applied_migration.app_name not in applied_migrations: applied_migrations[applied_migration.app_name] = [] applied_migrations[applied_migration.app_name].append( applied_migration.migration) return applied_migrations class DidNotApplyAllMigrations(Exception): ''' Exception that indicates that you havent run all migrations. ''' pass