import csv from django.http import HttpResponse def export_as_csv_action(description="Export selected objects as CSV file", fields=None, exclude=None, header=True, force_fields=None): """ This function returns an export csv action 'fields' and 'exclude' work like in django ModelForm 'header' is whether or not to output the column names as the first row if 'force_field' is True, you can give as a list of string whatever django admin can read in display_list else it will check if the fields are in the model and reduce the list """ def export_as_csv(modeladmin, request, queryset): """ Generic csv export admin action. based on extended for being able to give list_display as fields and work with admin-defined functions """ opts = modeladmin.model._meta if not force_fields: field_names = set([ for field in opts.fields]) if fields: fieldset = set(fields) field_names = field_names & fieldset elif fields: field_names = set(fields) else: raise("option force_fields can only be used in parallel with option fields") if exclude: excludeset = set(exclude) field_names = field_names - excludeset response = HttpResponse(mimetype='text/csv') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s.csv' % unicode(opts).replace('.', '_') writer = csv.writer(response) if header: writer.writerow(list(field_names)) for obj in queryset: row = [] for field in field_names: try: row.append(unicode(getattr(obj, field)).encode('utf-8')) except AttributeError: row.append(unicode((getattr(modeladmin, field)(obj))).encode('utf-8')) except: raise writer.writerow(row) return response export_as_csv.short_description = description return export_as_csv # example usage: class SubscriberAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): def display_city(self, obj): return #address being i.e. a OneToOne relation to Subscriber raw_id_fields = ('logged_in_as',) list_display = ('email', 'date', 'logged_in_as', 'display_city',) actions = [export_as_csv_action("Export selected emails as CSV file", fields=list_display, header=True, force_fields=True),], SubscriberAdmin)