from optparse import make_option import os from import BaseCommand import configobj from django.db.models import get_app, get_model class Command(BaseCommand): """ Creates django models from config files """ help = """[-a appname ] Create models based on a config file. The format is: [.] [[fields]] field1 = value field2 = value [[children]] [[[.]]] fk_field = [[[[fields]]]] field1 = value field2 = value """ option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('-a', '--app', action='store', dest='app', default = '', help='application to get the config file from'), ) def get_config(self, app_label, config_filename): if not config_filename.endswith('.cfg'): config_filename += '.cfg' app_module = get_app(app_label) if hasattr(app_module, '__path__'): app_path = app_module.__path__ else: app_path = app_module.__file__ filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(app_path), 'config', config_filename) return configobj.ConfigObj(filename) def create_object(self, model, cfg, parent=None): app_label, modelname = model.split('.') ModelClass = get_model(app_label, modelname) kwargs = {} if parent is not None: kwargs[cfg['fk_field']] = parent kwargs.update(cfg['fields']) obj, new = ModelClass.objects.get_or_create(**kwargs) if not new: self.stdout.write('%s object with fields %s already exists: id %d' % ( model, str(cfg['fields']), return obj def handle(self, *args, **options): if not args: print "The config file is required" return config = self.get_config(options['app'], args[0]) for model, cfg in config.items(): obj = self.create_object(model, cfg) for childmodel, ccfg in cfg['children'].items(): child = self.create_object(childmodel, ccfg, parent=obj)