# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
django-thumbs by Antonio Melé
from django.db.models import ImageField
from django.db.models.fields.files import ImageFieldFile
from PIL import Image
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
import cStringIO

def generate_thumb(img, thumb_size, format,bw=False):
    Generates a thumbnail image and returns a ContentFile object with the thumbnail
    img         File object
    thumb_size  desired thumbnail size, ie: (200,120)
    format      format of the original image ('jpeg','gif','png',...)
                (this format will be used for the generated thumbnail, too)
    bw          convert to grayscale? True or False
    img.seek(0) # see http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/8222 for details
    image = Image.open(img)
    # Convert to RGB if necessary
    if image.mode not in ('L', 'RGB'):
        image = image.convert('RGB')
    if bw:
        image = image.convert('L')
    # get size
    thumb_w, thumb_h = thumb_size
    # If you want to generate a square thumbnail
    if thumb_w == thumb_h:
        # quad
        xsize, ysize = image.size
        # get minimum size
        minsize = min(xsize,ysize)
        # largest square possible in the image
        xnewsize = (xsize-minsize)/2
        ynewsize = (ysize-minsize)/2
        # crop it
        image2 = image.crop((xnewsize, ynewsize, xsize-xnewsize, ysize-ynewsize))
        # load is necessary after crop                
        # thumbnail of the cropped image (with ANTIALIAS to make it look better)
        image2.thumbnail(thumb_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
        # not quad
        x1 = y1 = 0
        x2, y2 = image.size
        wRatio = 1.0 * x2/thumb_size[0]
        hRatio = 1.0 * y2/thumb_size[1]
        if hRatio > wRatio:
            y1 = int(y2/2-thumb_size[1]*wRatio/2)
            y2 = int(y2/2+thumb_size[1]*wRatio/2)
            x1 = int(x2/2-thumb_size[0]*hRatio/2)
            x2 = int(x2/2+thumb_size[0]*hRatio/2)
        image2 = image
        image2 = image2.crop((x1,y1,x2,y2))
        print image2.size
        image2.thumbnail(thumb_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
    io = cStringIO.StringIO()
    # PNG and GIF are the same, JPG is JPEG
    if format.upper()=='JPG':
        format = 'JPEG'
    image2.save(io, format,quality=100)
    return ContentFile(io.getvalue())    
def generate_bw(img):
    Generates a thumbnail image and returns a ContentFile object with the thumbnail
    img         File object
    thumb_size  desired thumbnail size, ie: (200,120)
    format      format of the original image ('jpeg','gif','png',...)
                (this format will be used for the generated thumbnail, too)
    bw          convert to grayscale? True or False
    img.seek(0) # see http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/8222 for details
    image = Image.open(img)
    image = image.convert('L')        
    io = cStringIO.StringIO()
    # PNG and GIF are the same, JPG is JPEG
    if format.upper()=='JPG':
        format = 'JPEG'
    image2.save(io, format,quality=100)
    return ContentFile(io.getvalue())    

class ImageWithThumbsFieldFile(ImageFieldFile):
    See ImageWithThumbsField for usage example
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ImageWithThumbsFieldFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.sizes = self.field.sizes
        self.bw = self.field.bw
        if self.field.bw:
            def get_bw(self):
                if not self:
                    return ''
                    split = self.url.rsplit('.',1)
                    thumb_url = '%s.bw.%s' % (split[0],split[1])
                    return thumb_url
            setattr(self, 'url_bw', get_bw(self))
        if self.sizes:
            def get_size(self, size):
                if not self:
                    return ''
                    split = self.url.rsplit('.',1)
                    thumb_url = '%s.%sx%s.%s' % (split[0],w,h,split[1])
                    return thumb_url
            for size in self.sizes:
                if len(size)>2:
                    (w,h,bw,) = size
                    (w,h,) = size
                setattr(self, 'url_%sx%s' % (w,h), get_size(self, size))
    def save(self, name, content, save=True):
        super(ImageWithThumbsFieldFile, self).save(name, content, save)
        if self.bw:
            split = self.name.rsplit('.',1)
            thumb_name = '%s.bw.%s' % (split[0],split[1])
            thumb_content = generate_bw(content)
            thumb_name_ = self.storage.save(thumb_name, thumb_content)        
            if not thumb_name == thumb_name_:
                raise ValueError('There is already a file named %s' % thumb_name)
        if self.sizes:
            for size in self.sizes:
                bw = False
                if len(size)>2:
                    (w,h,bw,) = size
                    (w,h,) = size
                split = self.name.rsplit('.',1)
                thumb_name = '%s.%sx%s.%s' % (split[0],w,h,split[1])
                # you can use another thumbnailing function if you like
                thumb_content = generate_thumb(content, size[:2], split[1],bw)
                thumb_name_ = self.storage.save(thumb_name, thumb_content)        
                if not thumb_name == thumb_name_:
                    raise ValueError('There is already a file named %s' % thumb_name)
    def delete(self, save=True):
        super(ImageWithThumbsFieldFile, self).delete(save)
        if self.sizes:
            for size in self.sizes:
                if len(size)>2:
                    (w,h,bw,) = size
                    (w,h,) = size
                split = name.rsplit('.',1)
                thumb_name = '%s.%sx%s.%s' % (split[0],w,h,split[1])
class ImageWithThumbsField(ImageField):
    attr_class = ImageWithThumbsFieldFile
    Usage example:
    photo = ImageWithThumbsField(upload_to='images', sizes=((125,125,True),(300,200),)
    To retrieve image URL, exactly the same way as with ImageField:
    To retrieve thumbnails URL's just add the size to it:
    To convert to greyscale set the third attribute of size to True
    Note: The 'sizes' attribute is not required. If you don't provide it, 
    ImageWithThumbsField will act as a normal ImageField
    How it works:
    For each size in the 'sizes' atribute of the field it generates a 
    thumbnail with that size and stores it following this format:

    Where 'available_filename' is the available filename returned by the storage
    backend for saving the original file.
    Following the usage example above: For storing a file called "photo.jpg" it saves:
    photo.jpg          (original file)
    photo.125x125.jpg  (first thumbnail)
    photo.300x200.jpg  (second thumbnail)
    With the default storage backend if photo.jpg already exists it will use these filenames:
    Note: django-thumbs assumes that if filename "any_filename.jpg" is available 
    filenames with this format "any_filename.[widht]x[height].jpg" will be available, too.
    To do:
    Add method to regenerate thubmnails
    def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, name=None, bw=False,width_field=None, height_field=None, sizes=None, **kwargs):
        self.sizes = sizes
        self.bw = bw
        super(ImageField, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    from south.modelsinspector import add_introspection_rules
    add_introspection_rules([], ["^thumbs\.ImageWithThumbsField"])
except ImportError: