from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.contrib.admin import SimpleListFilter from taggit.models import TaggedItem class TaggitListFilter(SimpleListFilter): """ A custom filter class that can be used to filter by taggit tags in the admin. """ # Human-readable title which will be displayed in the # right admin sidebar just above the filter options. title = _('tags') # Parameter for the filter that will be used in the URL query. parameter_name = 'tag' def lookups(self, request, model_admin): """ Returns a list of tuples. The first element in each tuple is the coded value for the option that will appear in the URL query. The second element is the human-readable name for the option that will appear in the right sidebar. """ list = [] tags = TaggedItem.tags_for(model_admin.model) for tag in tags: list.append( (, _( ) return list def queryset(self, request, queryset): """ Returns the filtered queryset based on the value provided in the query string and retrievable via `self.value()`. """ if self.value(): return queryset.filter(tags__name__in=[self.value()])