from functools import wraps def unique_boolean(field, subset=[]): """ Allows to specify a unique boolean for a model. """ def cls_factory(cls): def factory(func): @wraps(func) def decorator(self): kwargs = { field: True } for arg in subset: if getattr(self, arg): kwargs[arg] = getattr(self, arg) if getattr(self, field): try: tmp = self.__class__.objects.get(**kwargs) if self != tmp: setattr(tmp, field, False) except self.__class__.DoesNotExist: if getattr(self, field) != True: setattr(self, field, True) else: if self.__class__.objects.filter(**kwargs).count() == 0: setattr(self, field, True) return func(self) return decorator if hasattr(cls, 'save'): = factory( return cls return cls_factory # Example: keep the 'main' field unique for the phones of each user @unique_boolean('main', subset=['user']) class Phone(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(User) main = models.BooleanField()