from django.db import models def shift_paths(exclude, name): return tuple(item.split('.', 1)[1] for item in exclude if item.startswith(('{0}.'.format(name), '*.'))) def deep_dump_instance(instance, depth=1, exclude=(), include=(), order_by=(), seen=None): """Deep-dumps fields of a model instance as (name, value) tuples Examples:: # create a fixture >>> my_poll = Poll.objects.create(question=u"What's up?", >>> choice_1 = my_poll.choice_set.create(choice='Not much', votes=5) >>> choice_2.choice_set.create(choice='The sky', votes=2) # recurse all related objects >>> deep_dump_instance(my_poll) [('question', u"What's up?"), ('pub_date', datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 30, 9, 48)), ('choice_set', [[('choice', u'Not much'), ('votes', 5)], [('choice', u'The sky'), ('votes', 2)]])] # skip all related objects >>> deep_dump_instance(my_poll, depth=0) [('question', u"What's up?"), ('pub_date', datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 30, 9, 48))] # exclude a field >>> deep_dump_instance(my_poll, exclude=['pub_date']) [('question', u"What's up?"), ('choice_set', [[('choice', u'Not much'), ('votes', 5)], [('choice', u'The sky'), ('votes', 2)]])] # only include a field in related objects >>> deep_dump_instance(choice_1, ... exclude=['*', 'question.*'], ... include=['poll', 'poll.pub_date']) [[('poll', [('pub_date', datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 30, 9, 48))])]] # sort related objects >>> deep_dump_instance(my_poll, ... exclude=['*'], ... include=['choice_set'], ... order_by=['choice_set.votes']) [('choice_set', [[('choice', u'The sky'), ('votes', 2)], [('choice', u'Not much'), ('votes', 5)]])] """ if not seen: seen = set() if (instance.__class__, in seen: return '' seen.add((instance.__class__, field_names = sorted( [ for field in instance._meta.fields] + [f.get_accessor_name() for f in instance._meta.get_all_related_objects()]) dump = [] exclude_all = '*' in exclude for name in field_names: if name in include or (not exclude_all and name not in exclude): try: value = getattr(instance, name) except models.ObjectDoesNotExist: value = None if value.__class__.__name__ == 'RelatedManager': if depth >= 1: related_objects = value.all() for ordering in order_by: parts = ordering.split('.') if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] == name: related_objects = related_objects.order_by(parts[1]) value = [deep_dump_instance(related, depth=depth-1, exclude=shift_paths(exclude, name), include=shift_paths(include, name), order_by=shift_paths(order_by, name), seen=seen) for related in related_objects] else: continue elif isinstance(value, models.Model): if depth >= 1: value = deep_dump_instance(value, depth=depth-1, exclude=shift_paths(exclude, name), include=shift_paths(include, name), order_by=shift_paths(order_by, name), seen=seen) else: continue dump.append((name, value)) return dump