from django.core.cache import cache from django.db import models #Inspiration snippet: # #(I was thinking of using this at the end, but the issues of nesting #these are not worth the headache) # #class cached_property(object): # ''' # A read-only @property that is only evaluated once per python object. The value # is cached on the object itself rather than the function or class; this should prevent # memory leakage. # # Model instances are re-instantiated for each request, so this should be the last line # of defense in a django context. # ''' # def __init__(self, fget, doc=None): # self.fget = fget # self.__doc__ = doc or fget.__doc__ # self.__name__ = fget.__name__ # self.__module__ = fget.__module__ # # def __get__(self, obj, cls): # if obj is None: # return self # obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = result = self.fget(obj) # return result class cached_model_property(object): """ To use inside the class declaration for SomeClass 1. First make a subclass of of this: class cached_someclass_property(cached_model_property): model_name = "SomeClass" 2. Use as if this were a @property decorator inside SomeClass This should of course only be used if the property is essentially static. If the property should return a given model instance, where the instance id is static but the contents could change, see gives_a decorator below. """ model_name = "" def __init__(self, fget, doc=None): self.fget = fget self.__doc__ = doc or fget.__doc__ self.__name__ = fget.__name__ self.__module__ = fget.__module__ @staticmethod def pickle(cuke): """Pickling/unpickling is used before saving to the django (outermost) cache.""" return cuke @staticmethod def unpickle(dill): return dill def __get__(self, obj, cls): """Use the descriptor protocol to act as a property. 3 levels of caching implemented: outermost: django cache middle: obj._cache (for multiple properties on a single object) innermost: replace the attribute on this object, so we can entirely avoid running this function a second time. """ #First, handle the "unbound" case if obj is None: return self key = ':'.join((self.model_name, str( try: #middle cache pull obj_cache = obj._cache except AttributeError: #outermost cache pull obj_cache = cache.get(key) if obj_cache is None: obj_cache = {} #cache.set(key, {}) #technically, this might improve multithreaded performance, but not worth it. #middle cache push #since this is a mutable reference, further changes below will apply obj._cache = obj_cache #unpack property from dict of all cached properties for this object try: result = self.unpickle(obj_cache[self.__name__]) except: #missing - calculate value and add to cache result = self.fget(obj) obj_cache[self.__name__] = self.pickle(result) #outermost cache push cache.set(key, obj_cache) #innermost cache push (no pull because this function itself is replaced) obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = result = self.fget(obj) #return return result MODELS = {} class cached_typed_model_property(cached_model_property): @staticmethod def pickle(cuke): if isinstance(cuke, models.Model): cls = cuke.__class__ name = cls.__name__ MODELS[name] = cls return (name, try: if issubclass(cuke, models.Model): name = cuke.__name__ MODELS[name] = cuke return (name,) except TypeError: #issubclass is annoying that way pass return cuke #for None @staticmethod def unpickle(dill): if isinstance(dill, tuple): if len(dill) == 2: return MODELS[dill[0]].objects.get(id=dill[1]) #exceptions here just mean we run the function again, which will end up adding the model to MODELS if len(dill) == 1: return MODELS[dill[0]] return dill class cached_uprop(cached_typed_model_property): model_name = "Users"