def method_cache(seconds=0): """ A `seconds` value of `0` means that we will not memcache it. If a result is cached on instance, return that first. If that fails, check memcached. If all else fails, hit the db and cache on instance and in memcache. ** NOTE: Methods that return None are always "recached". """ from hashlib import sha224 from django.core.cache import cache def inner_cache(method): def x(instance, *args, **kwargs): key = sha224(str(method.__module__) + str(method.__name__) + \ str( + str(args) + str(kwargs)).hexdigest() if hasattr(instance, key): # has on class cache, return that result = getattr(instance, key) else: result = cache.get(key) if result is None: # all caches failed, call the actual method result = method(instance, *args, **kwargs) # save to memcache and class attr if seconds and isinstance(seconds, int): cache.set(key, result, seconds) setattr(instance, key, result) return result return x return inner_cache