import os from optparse import make_option from shutil import copyfile from import BaseCommand, CommandError from django.utils.importlib import import_module class Command(BaseCommand): help = "List all templates." args = "[appname [appname2 [...]]]" option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('-e', '--exclude', dest='exclude',action='append', default=[], help='App to exclude (use multiple --exclude to exclude multiple apps).'), make_option('-c', '--copy-to', dest='copy_to',action='store', default=False, help=('Copy templates to direcdory. (files ' 'are not oweritten if they exist).')), ) def handle(self, *app_labels, **options): exclude = options.get('exclude',[]) copy_to = options.get('copy_to', False) apps = self._get_apps(app_labels, exclude) templates_dirs = [] for app in apps: module = import_module(app) module_dir = os.path.dirname(module.__file__) templates_dirs.append(os.path.join(module_dir, 'templates')) for templates_dir in templates_dirs: templates = self._find_files(templates_dir) print templates_dir, ':' for template_name in templates: print ' ', template_name if copy_to: copied = self._copy_file(templates_dir, copy_to, template_name) if copied: print " Copied." else: print " Template already exists." def _get_apps(self, app_labels, exclude): from django.conf import settings apps = dict([(app.split('.')[-1], app) for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS]) try: [apps.pop(app_label) for app_label in exclude] except KeyError, key: raise CommandError("Unknown application: %s in excluded apps" % key) if len(app_labels) > 0: try: apps = [apps.pop(app_label) for app_label in app_labels] except KeyError, key: raise CommandError("Unknown application: %s" % key) else: apps = apps.values() return apps def _find_files(self, location): """Recursively finds files at location. Returns list of relative to filename files""" files = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(location): for filename in filenames: file_name = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) \ .replace(location, '') \ .strip('/\\') files.append(file_name) return files def _copy_file(self, src, dest, file): src = os.path.join(src, file) dest = os.path.join(dest, file) dest_dir = os.path.dirname(dest) if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.makedirs(dest_dir, 0773) if not os.path.exists(dest): copyfile(src, dest) return True else: return False