# models.py class MyModel(models.Model): position = models.IntegerField() # The position field ... def save(self, *args, **kwargs): model = self.__class__ if self.position is None: # Append try: last = model.objects.order_by('-position')[0] self.position = last.position + 1 except IndexError: # First row self.position = 0 return super(MyModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs) class Meta: ordering = ('position',) # admin.py class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): class Media: js = ( 'js/admin_list_reorder.js', ) list_display = ('position',) # Don't forget to add the other fields that should be displayed in the list view here list_editable = ('position',) # 'position' is the name of the model field which holds the position of an element admin.site.register(MyModel, MyModelAdmin) # admin_list_reorder.js django.jQuery(document).ready(function() { // Set this to the name of the column holding the position pos_field = 'position'; // Determine the column number of the position field pos_col = null; cols = django.jQuery('.changelist-results tbody tr:first').children() for (i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { inputs = django.jQuery(cols[i]).find('input[name*=' + pos_field + ']') if (inputs.length > 0) { // Found! pos_col = i; break; } } if (pos_col == null) { return; } // Some visual enhancements header = django.jQuery('.changelist-results thead tr').children()[pos_col] django.jQuery(header).css('width', '1em') django.jQuery(header).children('a').text('#') // Hide position field django.jQuery('.changelist-results tbody tr').each(function(index) { pos_td = django.jQuery(this).children()[pos_col]; input = django.jQuery(pos_td).children('input').first(); input.hide(); label = django.jQuery('' + input.attr('value') + ''); django.jQuery(pos_td).append(label); }); // Determine sorted column and order sorted = django.jQuery('.changelist-results thead th.sorted'); sorted_col = django.jQuery('.changelist-results thead th').index(sorted); sort_order = sorted.hasClass('descending') ? 'desc' : 'asc'; if (sorted_col != pos_col) { // Sorted column is not position column, bail out console.info("Sorted column is not %s, bailing out", pos_field); return; } django.jQuery('.changelist-results tbody tr').css('cursor', 'move'); // Make tbody > tr sortable django.jQuery('.changelist-results tbody').sortable({ axis: 'y', items: 'tr', cursor: 'move', update: function(event, ui) { item = ui.item; items = django.jQuery(this).find('tr').get(); if (sort_order == 'desc') { // Reverse order items.reverse(); } django.jQuery(items).each(function(index) { pos_td = django.jQuery(this).children()[pos_col]; input = django.jQuery(pos_td).children('input').first(); label = django.jQuery(pos_td).children('strong').first(); input.attr('value', index); label.text(index); }); // Update row classes django.jQuery(this).find('tr').removeClass('row1').removeClass('row2'); django.jQuery(this).find('tr:even').addClass('row1'); django.jQuery(this).find('tr:odd').addClass('row2'); } }); });