from types import NoneType from django.db.models.manager import Manager from django.db.models import Model import datetime def get_values(instance, go_into={}, exclude=(), extra=()): """ Transforms a django model instance into an object that can be used for serialization. Also transforms datetimes into timestamps. @param instance(django.db.models.Model) - the model in question @param go_into(dict) - relations with other models that need expanding @param exclude(tuple) - fields that will be ignored @param extra(tuple) - additional functions/properties which are not fields Usage: get_values(MyModel.objects.get(pk=187), {'user': {'go_into': ('clan',), 'exclude': ('crest_blob',), 'extra': ('get_crest_path',)}}, ('image')) """ SIMPLE_TYPES = (int, long, str, list, dict, tuple, bool, float, bool, unicode, NoneType) if not isinstance(instance, Model): raise TypeError("Argument is not a Model") value = { 'pk':, } # check for simple string instead of tuples # and dicts; this is shorthand syntax if isinstance(go_into, str): go_into = {go_into: {}} if isinstance(exclude, str): exclude = (exclude,) if isinstance(extra, str): extra = (extra,) # process the extra properties/function/whatever for field in extra: property = getattr(instance, field) if callable(property): property = property() if isinstance(property, SIMPLE_TYPES): value[field] = property else: value[field] = repr(property) field_options = instance._meta.get_all_field_names() for field in field_options: try: property = getattr(instance, field) except: continue if field in exclude or field[0] == '_' or isinstance(property, Manager): # if it's in the exclude tuple, ignore it # if it's a "private" field, ignore it # if it's an instance of manager (this means a more complicated # relationship), ignore it continue elif go_into.has_key(field): # if it's in the go_into dict, make a recursive call for that field try: field_go_into = go_into[field].get('go_into', {}) except AttributeError: field_go_into = {} try: field_exclude = go_into[field].get('exclude', ()) except AttributeError: field_exclude = () try: field_extra = go_into[field].get('extra', ()) except AttributeError: field_extra = () value[field] = get_values(property, field_go_into, field_exclude, field_extra) else: if isinstance(property, Model): # if it's a model, we need it's PK # value[field] = elif isinstance(property, (, datetime.time, datetime.datetime)): # if it's a date/time, we need it # # in iso format for serialization # value[field] = property.isoformat() else: # else, we just put the value # if callable(property): property = property() if isinstance(property, SIMPLE_TYPES): value[field] = property else: value[field] = repr(property) return value