from django.contrib.admin.filterspecs import RelatedFilterSpec class FKFilterSpec(RelatedFilterSpec): """ This code allows you to add a filter on a property of a foreign key related model to your model's Django Admin changelist. E.g. if you have a model called Book, with a field "type", and you have another model called Author, with a FK field "book" to Book, then you can add a filter on the Author changelist, by book type. Put the code in a file and import it in, so the filter is registered. In your app's, define your model's ModelAdmin class, and specify the field in the related model you want to filter. For example, using the Book and Author models, you need to define class AuthorAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): .... book_fk_filter_by = 'type' book_fk_filter_name = 'type' ... list_filter = (..., 'book', ...) ... The _fk_filter_by attribute in ModelAdmin specifies the related model property that you want to filter on. The _fk_filter_name attribute specifies what is shown on the filter sidebar. You can also follow more than one relationship. E.g.: book_fk_filter_by = 'type__id' book_fk_filter_display_field = 'type__type' book_fk_filter_name = 'type' Here I am assuming from Book model, there is a field 'type' that's a FK to a Type model, and the Type model has a field 'id' and a field 'type'. _fk_filter_display_field specifies which field contains values that you want to show on the filter list. For example, as shown above, it is a good practice to filter by in the URL and SQL query, but list Type.type in the UI. Note that you don't have to change the model to specify the filter using a field property. I always find it weird that for something that's Django Admin specific, you have to include a line in the model to specify the filter. FKFilterSpec subclasses from RelatedFilterSpec, and in fact replaces RelatedFilterSpec (it's registered ahead of RelatedFilterSpec). If you just want to have the default filter by a foreign key field (which filters by FK object, not by a property on the FK related model), FKFilterSpec still provides that behavior. When filtering by foreign key field, FKFilterSpec can also limit the filtering options (i.e. what is listed in the filter UI) to only those FK objects that are related to your model. This works for all FK relationships, but not generic relationships from Django ContentType package. For example, if you have an Author model with a FK to Institution model, you can configure Author's changelist to include a filter on Institution, but only allow you to select institutions that have authors. Institutions that do not have authors won't show up on the list. To enable this, in your model's ModelAdmin class, set _fk_filter_related_only=True _fk_filter_display_field= For example, in your AuthorAdmin class, you can do institution_fk_filter_related_only=True institution_fk_filter_display_field='name' You can also further limit the filters, based on certain criterias. E.g.: def more_filter(self,queryset): return queryset.filter(institution__country="US") institution_fk_filter_criteria_fn=more_filter Note that if _fk_filter_related_only is NOT set to True OR if the relationship is a generic relationship from Django ContentType, then the function filters a queryset on the model of the FK field. Otherwise, if _fk_filter_related_only is True, then the function filters a queryset on your model, not the model of the FK field. So how define the filter function depends on the _fk_filter_related_only setting. If you use _fk_filter_criteria_fn, you mostly likely will want to augment the query string used in the URLs in the filters, so that when you click on a filter option, the correct criteria are all present. By default, Django Admin only adds the _pk criteria. For example, using the Author and Book models, you can define the following in AuthorAdmin: book_fk_filter_by = 'type__id' book_fk_filter_display_field = 'type__type' book_fk_filter_name = 'type' def filter_published(self,queryset): return queryset.filter(book__published=1) book_fk_filter_criteria_fn=filter_published book_fk_filter_query_string={ 'book__published' : 1 } If you don't specify the _fk_filter_query_string option, then when user clicks on a book type, say "Science Fiction", they will see all authors of that category, including those authors from unpublished books, even though you can limited the types to only types of published books. """ def __init__(self, f, request, params, model, model_admin): filter_by_key ='_fk_filter_by' filter_by_val = getattr(model_admin, filter_by_key, None) filter_related_key ='_fk_filter_related_only' filter_related_val = getattr(model_admin, filter_related_key, False) filter_nf_key ='_fk_filter_display_field' if filter_by_val != None: filter_nf_val = getattr(model_admin, filter_nf_key, filter_by_val) else: filter_nf_val = getattr(model_admin, filter_nf_key, 'pk') filter_crit_key ='_fk_filter_criteria_fn' filter_crit_fn = getattr(model_admin, filter_crit_key, None) filter_qs_key ='_fk_filter_query_string' self.filter_qs_val = getattr(model_admin, filter_qs_key, {}) if filter_by_val != None: self.fk_filter_on = True # we call FilterSpec constructor, not RelatedFilterSpec # constructor; RelatedFilterSpec constructor will try to # get all the pk values on the related models, which we # won't need. FilterSpec.__init__(self, f, request, params, model, model_admin) filter_name_key ='_fk_filter_name' filter_name_val = getattr(model_admin, filter_name_key, None) if filter_name_val == None: self.lookup_title = f.verbose_name else: self.lookup_title = f.verbose_name+' '+filter_name_val self.lookup_kwarg ='__'+filter_by_val+'__exact' self.lookup_val = request.GET.get(self.lookup_kwarg, None) if filter_related_val: try: qs = model_admin.queryset(request) if filter_crit_fn != None: qs = filter_crit_fn(qs) qs = qs.values_list('__'+filter_by_val,'__'+fi lter_nf_val).order_by('__'+filter_nf_val).distinct() except Exception as e: # Django QuerySet can't follow generic # relationships using __, so we have to use # qs = if filter_crit_fn != None: qs = filter_crit_fn(qs) qs = qs.values_list(filter_by_val, filter_nf_val).distinct() else: qs = if filter_crit_fn != None: qs = filter_crit_fn(qs) qs = qs.values_list(filter_by_val, filter_nf_val).distinct() self.lookup_choices = list(qs) # if there was a further limiting criteria, then we want # to make sure we still display the filter even if there # is only one option if filter_crit_fn != None and len(self.lookup_choices) == 1: self.lookup_choices = self.lookup_choices+[('',''),] else: self.fk_filter_on = False RelatedFilterSpec.__init__(self, f, request, params, model, model_ad min) if filter_related_val: qs = model_admin.queryset(request) if filter_crit_fn != None: qs = filter_crit_fn(qs) qs = qs.values_list('__pk','__'+filter_nf_val).ord er_by('__'+filter_nf_val).distinct() self.lookup_choices = list(qs) def choices(self, cl): qs_all = self.filter_qs_val.keys() qs_all.append(self.lookup_kwarg) yield {'selected': self.lookup_val is None, 'query_string': cl.get_query_string({}, qs_all), 'display': _('All')} for pk_val,val in self.lookup_choices: qs = self.filter_qs_val qs[self.lookup_kwarg] = pk_val yield {'selected': self.lookup_val == smart_unicode(pk_val), 'query_string': cl.get_query_string(qs), 'display': val} FilterSpec.filter_specs.insert(0, (lambda f: bool(f.rel), FKFilterSpec))