in from django.forms.models import ModelForm from django.contrib.admin.options import TabularInline from django.contrib import admin from django.contrib.gis.forms.fields import GeometryField class OSMGeoInlineForm(ModelForm): """ A form to go along with the OSMGeoTabularInline to set GeometryField's widgets to the correct map widget A subclass can set a params option, a dict that will override the map widget's params. The keys of the dict are the names of the map options to override. eg. params = {'map_width': 300, 'map_height': 300, 'default_zoom': 10} see GeoModelAdmin for the available options. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OSMGeoInlineForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) model_admin_instance =[self.parent_model] for field in self.fields: if isinstance(self.fields[field], GeometryField): model_field = self._meta.model._meta.get_field(field) self.fields[field].widget = model_admin_instance.get_map_widget(model_field)() if hasattr(self, 'params'): for param in self.params: self.fields[field].widget.params[param] = self.params[param] class Media: js = ('admin-media/js/jquery.rule-',) # Change this if you store the jquery rule file elsewhere class OSMGeoTabularInline(TabularInline): """ A subclass of TabularInline that allows OSMGeoAdmin map widgets to be used for GeometryFields You must subclass this just the same as TabularInline and provide the model option You can also set a params option, a dict that will be passed to OSMGeoInlineForm to override the map widgets params. See OSMGeoInlineForm for details. """ template = 'admin/osmgeo_tabular_inline.html' form = OSMGeoInlineForm def __init__(self, parent_model, admin_site): self.form.parent_model = parent_model if hasattr(self, 'params'): self.form.params = self.params super(OSMGeoTabularInline, self).__init__(parent_model, admin_site) ----------------------- in template/admin/osmgeo_tabular_inline.html: {% load i18n adminmedia %}
----------------------- in media/admin-media/js/jquery.rule- /* jQuery.Rule - Css Rules manipulation, the jQuery way. Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com | Dual licensed under MIT and GPL. Date: 02/27/2008 Compatible with jQuery 1.2.x, tested on FF 2, Opera 9, Safari 3, and IE 6, on Windows. (version adds support for jQuery 1.4.2 to version 1.0.1) */ (function(c){var i=c('