from import BaseCommand, CommandError from optparse import make_option from django.db.models.loading import get_models, get_apps, get_app from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured import os class Command(BaseCommand): option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('--all-applications', '-a', action='store_true', dest='all_applications', help='Automaticly include all applications from INSTALLED_APPS'), make_option('--output', '-o', action='store', dest='outputfile', help='Render output file. Type of output dependend on file extensions. Use png,jpg or pdf to render graph to image to.'), make_option('--scale', '-s', action='store', dest='scale', help='Set a scale percentage. Applies only for -o'), make_option('--scruffy','', action='store_true', dest='scruffy', help='Make a scuffy diagram') ) args = '[appname appname]' help = 'Generating model class diagram for' label = 'application name' yuml = '' YUMLME_URL="" def handle(self, *args, **options): if len(args) < 1 and not options['all_applications']: raise CommandError("need one or more arguments for appname") self.generate_yuml(args, **options) if options['outputfile']: self.render_to(**options) else: self.print_output() def render_to(self, **options): import urllib2,urllib filename = options['outputfile'] extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] url_yuml = urllib.quote(self.yuml.strip().replace("\n",", ")) if options['scale']: self.YUMLME_URL = self.YUMLME_URL + "scale:%s" % options['scale'] if options['scruffy']: if self.YUMLME_URL[-1]!="/": self.YUMLME_URL += ";" self.YUMLME_URL = self.YUMLME_URL + "scruffy" try: if self.YUMLME_URL[-1]=="/": self.YUMLME_URL = self.YUMLME_URL[:-1] r = urllib2.urlopen("%s/class/%s%s" % (self.YUMLME_URL, url_yuml, extension)) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: raise CommandError("Error occured while generating %s, %s" % (extension,e)) resp = f = open(options['outputfile'],'w+') f.write(resp) f.close() def print_output(self): print self.yuml.encode('utf-8') def generate_yuml(self,app_labels,**options): imported_objects = {} if not options['all_applications']: for application in app_labels: try: app_mod = get_app(application) app_models = get_models(app_mod) if not app_models: continue model_labels = ", ".join([model.__name__ for model in app_models]) for model in app_models: try: imported_objects[model.__name__] = getattr(__import__(app_mod.__name__, {}, {}, model.__name__), model.__name__) except AttributeError, e: continue except ImproperlyConfigured, e: raise CommandError("Specified application not found: %s" % e) else: for app_mod in get_apps(): app_models = get_models(app_mod) if not app_models: continue model_labels = ", ".join([model.__name__ for model in app_models]) for model in app_models: try: imported_objects[model.__name__] = getattr(__import__(app_mod.__name__, {}, {}, model.__name__), model.__name__) except AttributeError, e: continue for model_name in imported_objects: model = imported_objects[model_name] self.yuml += "[%s|" % (model._meta.module_name) relations = {} for field in model._meta.fields: if field.__class__.__name__=='ForeignKey': relations[field.attname] = field.related.parent_model._meta.module_name self.yuml += "%s (%s);" % (field.attname, field.__class__.__name__) self.yuml += "]\n" if len(relations)>0: for column in relations: self.yuml += "[%s]-%s>[%s]\n"% (model._meta.module_name,column,relations[column])