from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.db import connection, models def generic_annotate(queryset, gfk_field, aggregate_field, aggregator=models.Sum, desc=True): ordering = desc and '-score' or 'score' content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(queryset.model) qn = connection.ops.quote_name # collect the params we'll be using params = (, # the function that's doing the aggregation qn(aggregate_field), # the field containing the value to aggregate qn(gfk_field.model._meta.db_table), # table holding gfk'd item info qn(gfk_field.ct_field + '_id'), # the content_type field on the GFK, # the content_type id we need to match qn(gfk_field.fk_field), # the object_id field on the GFK qn(queryset.model._meta.db_table), # the table and pk from the main qn( # part of the query ) extra = """ SELECT %s(%s) AS aggregate_score FROM %s WHERE %s=%s AND %s=%s.%s """ % params queryset = queryset.extra(select={ 'score': extra }, order_by=[ordering]) return queryset def generic_aggregate(queryset, gfk_field, aggregate_field, aggregator=models.Sum): content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(queryset.model) queryset = queryset.values_list('pk') # just the pks inner_query, inner_params = queryset.query.as_nested_sql() qn = connection.ops.quote_name # collect the params we'll be using params = (, # the function that's doing the aggregation qn(aggregate_field), # the field containing the value to aggregate qn(gfk_field.model._meta.db_table), # table holding gfk'd item info qn(gfk_field.ct_field + '_id'), # the content_type field on the GFK, # the content_type id we need to match qn(gfk_field.fk_field), # the object_id field on the GFK ) query_start = """ SELECT %s(%s) AS aggregate_score FROM %s WHERE %s=%s AND %s IN ( """ % params query_end = ")" # pass in the inner_query unmodified as we will use the cursor to handle # quoting the inner parameters correctly query = query_start + inner_query + query_end cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query, inner_params) row = cursor.fetchone() return row[0]