import re from django.db.models import fields from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify # -- Authors ----- # Combined from following two snippets: # crucialfelix (_unique_slugify) # GaretJax (AutoSlugField) # # Improved from those by Ciantic, 2010. def _unique_slugify(instance, value, slug_field_name='slug', queryset=None, slug_separator='-'): """ Calculates a unique slug of ``value`` for an instance. :param slug_field_name: Should be a string matching the name of the field to store the slug in (and the field to check against for uniqueness). :param queryset: usually doesn't need to be explicitly provided - it'll default to using the ``.all()`` queryset from the model's default manager. """ slug_field = instance._meta.get_field(slug_field_name) slug_len = slug_field.max_length # Sort out the initial slug. Chop its length down if we need to. slug = slugify(value) if slug_len: slug = slug[:slug_len] slug = _slug_strip(slug, slug_separator) original_slug = slug # Create a queryset, excluding the current instance. if queryset is None: queryset = instance.__class__._default_manager.all() if queryset = queryset.exclude( # Find a unique slug. If one matches, at '-2' to the end and try again # (then '-3', etc). next = 2 while not slug or queryset.filter(**{slug_field_name: slug}): slug = original_slug end = '-%s' % next if slug_len and len(slug) + len(end) > slug_len: slug = slug[:slug_len-len(end)] slug = _slug_strip(slug, slug_separator) slug = '%s%s' % (slug, end) next += 1 setattr(instance, slug_field.attname, slug) return slug def _slug_strip(value, separator=None): """ Cleans up a slug by removing slug separator characters that occur at the beginning or end of a slug. If an alternate separator is used, it will also replace any instances of the default '-' separator with the new separator. """ if separator == '-' or not separator: re_sep = '-' else: re_sep = '(?:-|%s)' % re.escape(separator) value = re.sub('%s+' % re_sep, separator, value) return re.sub(r'^%s+|%s+$' % (re_sep, re_sep), '', value) class AutoSlugField(fields.SlugField): """Auto slug field, creates unique slug for model.""" def __init__(self, prepopulate_from, *args, **kwargs): """Create auto slug field. If field is unique, the uniqueness of the slug is ensured from existing slugs by adding extra number at the end of slug. If field has slug given, it is used instead. If you want to re-generate the slug, just set it :const:`None` or :const:`""` so it will be re- generated automatically. :param prepopulate_from: Must be assigned to list of field names which are used to prepopulate automatically. :type prepopulate_from: sequence """ self.prepopulate_separator = kwargs.get("prepopulate_separator", u"-") self.prepopulate_from = prepopulate_from kwargs["blank"] = True super(fields.SlugField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def pre_save(self, model_instance, add): #@UnusedVariable """Pre-save event""" current_slug = getattr(model_instance, self.attname) # Use current slug instead, if it is given. # Assumption: There are no empty slugs. if not (current_slug is None or current_slug == ""): slug = current_slug else: slug = self.prepopulate_separator.\ join(unicode(getattr(model_instance, prepop)) for prepop in self.prepopulate_from) if self.unique: return _unique_slugify(model_instance, value=slug, slug_field_name=self.attname) else: return slugify(slug)[:self.max_length]