import logging import sys import datetime import uuid class RequestTimeLoggingMiddleware(object): """Middleware class logging request time to stderr. This class can be used to measure time of request processing within Django. It can be also used to log time spent in middleware and in view itself, by putting middleware multiple times in INSTALLED_MIDDLEWARE. Static method `log_message' may be used independently of the middleware itself, outside of it, and even when middleware is not listed in INSTALLED_MIDDLEWARE. """ @staticmethod def log_message(request, tag, message=''): """Log timing message to stderr. Logs message about `request' with a `tag' (a string, 10 characters or less if possible), timing info and optional `message'. Log format is "timestamp tag uuid count path +delta message" - timestamp is microsecond timestamp of message - tag is the `tag' parameter - uuid is the UUID identifying request - count is number of logged message for this request - path is request.path - delta is timedelta between first logged message for this request and current message - message is the `message' parameter. """ dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if not hasattr(request, '_logging_uuid'): request._logging_uuid = uuid.uuid1() request._logging_start_dt = dt request._logging_pass = 0 request._logging_pass += 1 print >> sys.stderr, ( u'%s %-10s %s %2d %s +%s %s' % ( dt.isoformat(), tag, request._logging_uuid, request._logging_pass, request.path, dt - request._logging_start_dt, message, ) ).encode('utf-8') def process_request(self, request): self.log_message(request, 'request ') def process_response(self, request, response): s = getattr(response, 'status_code', 0) r = str(s) if s in (300, 301, 302, 307): r += ' => %s' % response.get('Location', '?') elif response.content: r += ' (%db)' % len(response.content) self.log_message(request, 'response', r) return response