from django.conf import settings from django import template register = template.Library() def reorder_admin_apps(app_list): """ This will reorder the apps in the admin using weights defined in the RHEC_ADMIN_APP_WEIGHTS dict. The names, unfortunately, must be the verbose names displayed in the admin, not the actual app name, because that is what is in the admin app_list var. The app_list argument object is modified, it does not return a value. Usage: Define your app weights in like so: RHEC_ADMIN_APP_WEIGHTS = {'Sites': 1, 'Auth' : 2} Override the default admin index.html template and insert the following before the app_list is rendered: {% load admin_app_order %}{% reorder_admin_apps app_list %} """ weights = getattr(settings, 'RHEC_ADMIN_APP_WEIGHTS', {}) for app_dict in app_list: app_dict['rhec_sort_weight'] = weights.get(app_dict['name'], 999) app_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x['rhec_sort_weight'], y['rhec_sort_weight'])) return '' register.simple_tag(reorder_admin_apps)