from django.http import HttpResponseNotAllowed def dispatch(**methods): """Calls a view by request.method value. To use this dispatcher write your like this: urlpatterns = pattern('', url(r'^foo/$', dispatch(head=callable1, get=callable2, delete=callable3)), ) If request.method is equal to head, callable1 will be called as your usual view function; if it is "get", callable2 will be called; et cetera. If the method specified in request.method is not one handled by dispatch(..), HttpResponseNotAllowed is returned. """ lc_methods = dict( (method.lower(), handler) for (method, handler) in methods.iteritems() ) def __dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs): handler = lc_methods.get(request.method.lower()) if handler: return handler(request, *args, **kwargs) else: return HttpResponseNotAllowed(m.upper() for m in lc_methods.keys()) return __dispatch