from django.db import connection from django.template import Template, Context from django.conf import settings # # Log all SQL statements direct to the console (when running in DEBUG) # Intended for use with the django development server. # class SQLLogToConsoleMiddleware: def process_response(self, request, response): if settings.DEBUG and connection.queries: time = sum([float(q['time']) for q in connection.queries]) t = Template("{{count}} quer{{count|pluralize:\"y,ies\"}} in {{time}} seconds:\n\n{% for sql in sqllog %}[{{forloop.counter}}] {{sql.time}}s: {{sql.sql|safe}}{% if not forloop.last %}\n\n{% endif %}{% endfor %}") print t.render(Context({'sqllog':connection.queries,'count':len(connection.queries),'time':time})) return response