""" Simple function that tests whether a given IP address is in a list of IP addresses or subnets. Requires ipaddr. Comes with Python 2.7 or 3.1, downloadable for previous Python versions from: http://code.google.com/p/ipaddr-py/ More info on ipaddr: http://docs.python.org/dev/py3k/library/ipaddr.html """ from ipaddr import IPv4 # An AOL IP, djangoproject.com, and a Google range. # You know what to do here. WHITELIST = ( '', '', '' ) def ip_in_whitelist(request_ip): # the long int version of the ip address user_ip = IPv4(request_ip).ip for whitelist_ip in WHITELIST: w_ip = IPv4(whitelist_ip) # if ip == the network's base IP (which is the case if we're giving it a straight IP with # no range suffix) OR if ip is within the subnet for the given range # (a machine's address in a subnet can't ever be the broadcast address so it's < not <=) if (user_ip == w_ip.network) or ((user_ip >= w_ip.network) and (user_ip < w_ip.broadcast)): # if match, return true (short circuits the rest of the function) return True return False """ # simple doctest: >>> ip_in_whitelist('') False >>> ip_in_whitelist('') True >>> ip_in_whitelist('') True >>> ip_in_whitelist('') # same range as previous example True >>> ip_in_whitelist('') # broadcast addy for previous range, so invalid False """