from django.http import HttpResponse from django.http import HttpResponseNotAllowed METHODS = sorted(('get', 'post', 'head', 'options', 'put', 'delete')) class ResourceView(object): """\ @brief Base class which implements restful dispatch on a resource To use this class you derive from this class and provide an implementation for any of the methods in the METHODS tuple found at file scope in this file. Define a class which extends ResourceView. class Region(ResourceView): def get(self, request): ... def post(self, request): ... And then in, dispatch to a new class instance via the call: urlpatterns = patterns( '', (r'^region/$', views.Region.dispatch)) The call to dispatch call will automatically generate a private Region instance which will live for the lengh of the HTTP request/responce cycle and then discarded. The ResourceView class will generate a reasonable default implementation of head() if your class does not provide one and defines get(). *NOTE: Any callable without a leading underscore is considered part of the public API and may be called by the dispatch. Make sure you prepend underscores in implementation methods which should not be accepting direct connections from a client. """ @classmethod def dispatch(klass, request, *args, **kwargs): """\ @brief classmethod which is the django callable to call during RESTful dispatch. @param klass The derived class we are calling. @param request The Django request object. @return Returns the response in klass in the matching request.method. """ return klass().__dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs) def __not_allowed(self): """\ @breif Generate the HTTP Not Allowed message for the client. """ allow = [] for method in METHODS: if hasattr(self, method): allow.append(method) if 'get' in allow and 'head' not in allow: allow.append('head') return HttpResponseNotAllowed(k.upper() for k in allow) def __default_head(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """\ @brief Simple implementation of HEAD. This is implemented as a private method because we cannot add automatic support for HEAD unless the instance supports GET which has to be detected at runtime in this code structure. """ response = self.get(request, *args, **kwargs) if not isinstance(response, HttpResponse): return '' response.content = '' return response def __no_method(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """\ @brief This method is called when the derived class does not implement the HTTP method invoked on the object. """ if request.method == 'HEAD' and hasattr(self, 'get'): return self.__default_head(request, *args, **kwargs) return self.__not_allowed() def __dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """\ @brief Class level implementation for classmethod dispatch. """ method = request.method.lower() if method.startswith('_'): # do not allow people who make up bad http methods to call # into the private implementation details. Phoenix 2009-05-21 return self.__not_allowed() return getattr(self, method, self.__no_method)(request, *args, **kwargs)