#!/usr/bin/env python """ Simple client to get some stats from memcached. Using some of the *undocumented* (and not guaranteed to remain working) features you can get a list of keys. memcached ( stats STAT pid 3228 STAT uptime 45498 STAT time 1245270511 STAT version 1.2.2 ... memcached ( stats items STAT items:6:number 1 STAT items:6:age 64 STAT items:19:number 1 STAT items:19:age 66 END memcached ( stats slabs STAT 6:chunk_size 252 STAT 6:chunks_per_page 4161 STAT 6:total_pages 1 ... STAT 19:chunk_size 4648 STAT 19:chunks_per_page 225 STAT 19:total_pages 1 ... STAT active_slabs 2 STAT total_malloced 2094372 END memcached ( stats cachedump 6 50 ITEM paste|searchreplace|table|safari|fullscreen|directionality|en|advanced [116 b; 1245270494 s] END memcached ( stats cachedump 19 50 ITEM contentmanager:9:1:content [3940 b; 1245270492 s] END """ import memcache import readline PROMPT = "memcached (%s): " MESSAGE_ENDINGS = ["END", "ERROR", "SERVER_ERROR", "CLIENT_ERROR","OK","DELETED","NOT FOUND"] # These (can) return binary data. Use a proper client to get those ;-) UNSUPPORTED_COMMANDS = ["get", "gets", "set", "add", "replace", "append", "prepend", "cas","incr","decr"] def message_ends(command, output): if command == "version" and output!="": return True else: if output=="": return False return output.split()[0] in MESSAGE_ENDINGS def repl(cache_host): h = memcache._Host( cache_host ) h.connect() while True: try: command = str(raw_input(PROMPT % cache_host)) except EOFError: print "bye" break if not command: continue if command.split()[0] in UNSUPPORTED_COMMANDS: print "Not supported" continue if command == "quit": break h.send_cmd(command) l = "" ; while not message_ends(command, l): l = h.readline() print l h.close_socket() if __name__ == "__main__": import sys import re try: # Use with django project from settings import CACHE_BACKEND if not CACHE_BACKEND.startswith( "memcached://" ): print "You have not configured memcached as your django cache backend" sys.exit(1) else: m = re.search( r"//(.+:\d+)", CACHE_BACKEND ) cache_host = m.group(1) repl(cache_host) except (ImportError, KeyError): # Try to use the first argument as cache_host try: repl(sys.argv[1]) except IndexError: print print "Usage: %s host:port" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1)