import os,sys,shutil,pexpect sys.path.insert(0,os.path.abspath(".")) from paver.easy import * import settings """ Pavement file to help with deploying django. """ @task @cmdopts([ ("server=","s","The server to deploy to, this should be a key in the DEPLOYMENTS hash in django settings"), ("config=","c","The config file to use as the, (any file in the ./configs/ folder)"), ("password=","p","The password for the target servers' username, for scp file copying."), ("quiet","q","Whether or not the scp copy is quiet") ]) def deploy(options): """ Deploy this project using a deployment option from the settings file. Your settings file needs to have a "DEPLOYMENTS" hash available, ex: DEPLOYMENTS={ 'slicehost':{ 'ip':'', 'user':'admin', 'dir':'/var/www/vhosts/aaron/cherokee/project/' } } """ if not hasattr(options,"server"): print "the server parameter is required, run 'paver deploy help'." exit() if not settings.DEPLOYMENTS.get(options.server): print "The server you supplied does not exist in the DEPLOYMENT hash in your settings file." print "Not doing anything." exit() server=settings.DEPLOYMENTS[options.server] if not server.get("user",False): print "The target server doesn't have a 'user' key." print "Not doing anything." exit() if not server.get("ip",False): print "The target server doesn't have an 'ip' key." print "Not doing anything." exit() if not server.get("dir",False): print "The target server doesn't have a 'dir' key." print "Not doing anything." exit() if not server.get("password",False) and not hasattr(options,"password"): print "The target server doesn't have a 'password' key, and you didn't specify the 'password' switch, I need the password from one or the other." print "Not doing anything." exit() settingfile=os.path.abspath("") tmp_setting=os.path.abspath("") moved_tmp=False if os.path.exists(settingfile): moved_tmp=True shutil.move(settingfile,tmp_setting) preplibapps(options) if moved_tmp: shutil.move(tmp_setting,settingfile) mvconfig(options) if hasattr(options,"quiet"): child=pexpect.spawn('scp -r -q '+os.path.abspath(".")+' '+server.get("user")+"@"+server.get("ip")+":"+server.get("dir")) else: child=pexpect.spawn('scp -r '+thispath+' '+server.get("user")+"@"+server.get("ip")+":"+server.get("dir")) child.expect('.ssword:*') child.sendline(options.password) child.interact() @task @cmdopts([ ("config=","c","The config file to use as the, (any file in the ./configs/ folder)") ]) def mvconfig(options): """copy a saved config file from configs/ to""" if not hasattr(options,"config"): print "The config parameter is required, run 'paver help deploy'" print "Not doing anything." exit() setting=os.path.abspath("./configs/"+options.config+".py") if not os.path.exists(setting): print "The file "+setting+" doesn't exist" print "Not doing anything." exit() copyto=os.path.abspath("") print "copying file "+setting+" to "+copyto shutil.copy(setting,copyto) @task def preplibapps(): """ Move lib apps into libs folder. Your settings file should have a LIB_APPS tuple available. EX: -- LIB_APPS=( 'dilla', 'antaresia', 'debug_toolbar', ) INSTALLED_APPS=(...) INSTALLED_APPS+=LIB_APPS -- Every library app needs to be discoverable in your python path. """ if not hasattr(settings,"LIB_APPS"): print "your settings module needs to have a LIB_APPS tuple, it wasn't found." exit() lib_apps=settings.LIB_APPS paths=sys.path found_apps={} libappsdir=os.path.abspath("libs") if os.path.exists(libappsdir): shutil.rmtree(libappsdir) for path in paths: for app in lib_apps: if found_apps.get(app,None): continue apppath=os.path.abspath(path+"/"+(app.replace(".","/"))+"/") if os.path.exists(apppath): found_apps[app]=True shutil.copytree(apppath,("./libs/"+app+"/")) for app in lib_apps: if not found_apps.get(app,None): print "App "+app+" was not found, and cannot be copied into the vedor/apps directory. Make sure it's in your python path." os.system("touch ./libs/") @task @cmdopts([ ("config=","c","The new name of the config file (without .py), which get's stored in configs/") ]) def savesettingsas(options): """Save the current file as another config file in the configs/ directory.""" if not hasattr(options,"config"): print "The config switch is required, run paver help savesettingsas for more info." print "Not doing anything." exit() setting=os.path.abspath("") dest=os.path.abspath("./configs/"+options.config+".py") if not os.path.exists(setting): print " doesn't exist, not doing anything." exit() shutil.copy(setting,dest)