# FIRST FILE # management/commands/quicktest from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand from optparse import make_option import sys class Command(BaseCommand): option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('--verbosity', action='store', dest='verbosity', default='1', type='choice', choices=['0', '1', '2'], help='Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=all output'), make_option('--noinput', action='store_false', dest='interactive', default=True, help='Tells Django to NOT prompt the user for input of any kind.'), ) help = 'Runs the test suite, creating a test db IF NEEDED and NOT DESTROYING the test db afterwards. Otherwise operates exactly as does test.' args = '[appname ...]' requires_model_validation = False def handle(self, *test_labels, **options): from django.conf import settings verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 1)) interactive = options.get('interactive', True) # MODIFY THIS set to the module/file where you put the testyrunner test_path = 'testy.testyrunner.run_tests'.split('.') # Allow for Python 2.5 relative paths if len(test_path) > 1: test_module_name = '.'.join(test_path[:-1]) else: test_module_name = '.' test_module = __import__(test_module_name, {}, {}, test_path[-1]) test_runner = getattr(test_module, test_path[-1]) failures = test_runner(test_labels, verbosity=verbosity, interactive=interactive) if failures: sys.exit(failures) # SECOND FILE # testy/testyrunner.py or wherever you want to put it from django.test.simple import * def run_tests(test_labels, verbosity=1, interactive=True, extra_tests=[]): """ worsk exactly as per normal test but only creates the test_db if it doesn't yet exist and does not destroy it when done tables are flushed and fixtures loaded between tests as per usual but if your schema has not changed then this saves significant amounts of time and speeds up the test cycle Run the unit tests for all the test labels in the provided list. Labels must be of the form: - app.TestClass.test_method Run a single specific test method - app.TestClass Run all the test methods in a given class - app Search for doctests and unittests in the named application. When looking for tests, the test runner will look in the models and tests modules for the application. A list of 'extra' tests may also be provided; these tests will be added to the test suite. Returns the number of tests that failed. """ setup_test_environment() settings.DEBUG = False suite = unittest.TestSuite() # http://code.djangoproject.com/attachment/ticket/5979/test_siteid_overwrite_r6720.patch settings.SITE_ID = 1 if test_labels: for label in test_labels: if '.' in label: suite.addTest(build_test(label)) else: app = get_app(label) suite.addTest(build_suite(app)) else: for app in get_apps(): suite.addTest(build_suite(app)) for test in extra_tests: suite.addTest(test) from django.db.backends import creation old_name = settings.DATABASE_NAME if settings.TEST_DATABASE_NAME: test_database_name = settings.TEST_DATABASE_NAME else: test_database_name = creation.TEST_DATABASE_PREFIX + settings.DATABASE_NAME # does test db exist already ? from django.db import connection, DatabaseError settings.DATABASE_NAME = test_database_name try: cursor = connection.cursor() except DatabaseError, e: # db does not exist # juggling ! create_test_db switches the DATABASE_NAME to the TEST_DATABASE_NAME settings.DATABASE_NAME = old_name connection.creation.create_test_db(verbosity, autoclobber=True) else: connection.close() tr = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbosity) result = tr.run(suite) # but keep the test db settings.DATABASE_NAME = old_name teardown_test_environment() return len(result.failures) + len(result.errors)