from django.db.models.query import CollectedObjects from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignKey def duplicate(obj, value, field): """ Duplicate all related objects of `obj` setting `field` to `value`. If one of the duplicate objects has an FK to another duplicate object update that as well. Return the duplicate copy of `obj`. """ collected_objs = CollectedObjects() obj._collect_sub_objects(collected_objs) related_models = collected_objs.keys() root_obj = None # Traverse the related models in reverse deletion order. for model in reversed(related_models): # Find all FKs on `model` that point to a `related_model`. fks = [] for f in model._meta.fields: if isinstance(f, ForeignKey) and in related_models: fks.append(f) # Replace each `sub_obj` with a duplicate. sub_obj = collected_objs[model] for pk_val, obj in sub_obj.iteritems(): for fk in fks: fk_value = getattr(obj, "%s_id" % # If this FK has been duplicated then point to the duplicate. if fk_value in collected_objs[]: dupe_obj = collected_objs[][fk_value] setattr(obj,, dupe_obj) # Duplicate the object and save it. = None setattr(obj, field, value) if root_obj is None: root_obj = obj return root_obj