from copy import copy, deepcopy from django import forms from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder from django.forms import fields from django.forms.forms import BoundField from django.forms.models import ModelChoiceField, ModelMultipleChoiceField class ExtJSONEncoder(DjangoJSONEncoder): """ JSONEncoder subclass that knows how to encode django forms into ExtJS config objects. """ CHECKBOX_EDITOR = { 'xtype': 'checkbox' } COMBO_EDITOR = { #'listWidth': 'auto', 'width': 150, 'xtype': 'combo', #'xtype': 'jsoncombo', } DATE_EDITOR = { 'xtype': 'datefield' } EMAIL_EDITOR = { 'vtype':'email', 'xtype': 'textfield' } NUMBER_EDITOR = { 'xtype': 'numberfield' } NULL_EDITOR = { 'fieldHidden': True, 'xtype': 'textfield' } TEXT_EDITOR = { 'xtype': 'textfield' } TIME_EDITOR = { 'xtype': 'timefield' } URL_EDITOR = { 'vtype':'url', 'xtype': 'textfield' } CHAR_PIXEL_WIDTH = 8 EXT_DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'editor': TEXT_EDITOR #'labelWidth': 300, #'autoWidth': True, } DJANGO_EXT_FIELD_TYPES = { fields.BooleanField: ["Ext.form.Checkbox", CHECKBOX_EDITOR], fields.CharField: ["Ext.form.TextField", TEXT_EDITOR], fields.ChoiceField: ["Ext.form.ComboBox", COMBO_EDITOR], fields.DateField: ["Ext.form.DateField", DATE_EDITOR], fields.DateTimeField: ["Ext.form.DateField", DATE_EDITOR], fields.DecimalField: ["Ext.form.NumberField", NUMBER_EDITOR], fields.EmailField: ["Ext.form.TextField", EMAIL_EDITOR], fields.IntegerField: ["Ext.form.NumberField", NUMBER_EDITOR], ModelChoiceField: ["Ext.form.ComboBox", COMBO_EDITOR], ModelMultipleChoiceField: ["Ext.form.ComboBox", COMBO_EDITOR], fields.MultipleChoiceField: ["Ext.form.ComboBox",COMBO_EDITOR], #NullField: ["Ext.form.TextField", NULL_EDITOR], fields.NullBooleanField: ["Ext.form.Checkbox", CHECKBOX_EDITOR], #BooleanField: ["Ext.form.Checkbox", CHECKBOX_EDITOR], fields.SplitDateTimeField: ["Ext.form.DateField", DATE_EDITOR], fields.TimeField: ["Ext.form.DateField", TIME_EDITOR], fields.URLField: ["Ext.form.TextField", URL_EDITOR], } EXT_DATE_ALT_FORMATS = 'm/d/Y|n/j/Y|n/j/y|m/j/y|n/d/y|m/j/Y|n/d/Y|m-d-y|m-d-Y|m/d|m-d|md|mdy|mdY|d|Y-m-d' EXT_TIME_ALT_FORMATS = 'm/d/Y|m-d-y|m-d-Y|m/d|m-d|d' DJANGO_EXT_FIELD_ATTRS = { #Key: django field attribute name #Value: tuple[0] = ext field attribute name, # tuple[1] = default value 'choices': ['store', None], #'default': ['value', None], 'fieldset': ['fieldSet', None], 'help_text': ['helpText', None], 'initial': ['value', None], #'input_formats': ['altFormats', None], 'label': ['fieldLabel', None], 'max_length': ['maxLength', None], 'max_value': ['maxValue', None], 'min_value': ['minValue', None], 'name': ['name', None], 'required': ['allowBlank', False], 'size': ['width', None], 'hidden': ['fieldHidden', False], } def default(self, o, form=None, field_name=None): if issubclass(o.__class__, (forms.Form,forms.BaseForm)): flds = [] for name, field in o.fields.items(): if isinstance(field, dict): field['title'] = name else: = name cfg = self.default(field, o, name) flds.append(cfg) return flds elif isinstance(o, dict): #Fieldset default_config = { 'autoHeight': True, 'collapsible': True, 'items': [], 'labelWidth': 200, 'title': o['title'], 'xtype':'fieldset', } del o['title'] #Ensure fields are added sorted by position for name, field in sorted(o.items()): = name default_config['items'].append(self.default(field)) return default_config elif issubclass(o.__class__, fields.Field): #bf = form and form.is_bound and BoundField(form, o, field_name) or None bf = BoundField(form, o, field_name) print field_name , o.__class__ default_config = {} if o.__class__ in self.DJANGO_EXT_FIELD_TYPES: default_config.update(self.DJANGO_EXT_FIELD_TYPES[o.__class__][1]) else: default_config.update(self.EXT_DEFAULT_CONFIG['editor']) config = deepcopy(default_config) if bf: config['invalidText']="".join(form[field_name].errors) if form and form.is_bound: data = else: if field_name: data = form.initial.get(field_name, o.initial) if callable(data): data = data() else: data = None config['value'] = data for dj, ext in self.DJANGO_EXT_FIELD_ATTRS.items(): v = None if dj == 'size': v = o.widget.attrs.get(dj, None) if v is not None: if o.__class__ in (fields.DateField, fields.DateTimeField, fields.SplitDateTimeField, fields.TimeField): v += 8 #Django's size attribute is the number of characters, #so multiply by the pixel width of a character v = v * self.CHAR_PIXEL_WIDTH elif dj == 'hidden': v = o.widget.attrs.get(dj, default_config.get('fieldHidden', ext[1])) elif dj == 'name': v = bf and bf.html_name or field_name elif dj == 'label': v = bf and bf.label or getattr(o, dj, ext[1]) elif getattr(o, dj, ext[1]) is None: #print "dj:%s field name:%s"%(dj,field_name) pass #elif dj == 'input_formats': #alt_fmts = [] ##Strip out the '%' placeholders #for fmt in getattr(field, dj, ext[1]): #alt_fmts.append(fmt.replace('%', '')) #v = u'|'.join(alt_fmts) elif isinstance(ext[1], basestring): v = getattr(o, dj, getattr(field, ext[1])) elif ext[0] == 'store': v = { 'autoLoad': True, 'storeId':, 'url': '/csds/ext/rdo/queryset/%s/' % (,), #'xtype': 'jsonstore', } elif dj == 'required': try: v = not getattr(o, dj) except AttributeError : v = ext[1] else: v = getattr(o, dj, ext[1]) if v is not None: if ext[0] == 'name': config[ext[0]] = v config['header'] = v elif ext[0] not in ('name', 'dataIndex', 'fieldLabel', 'header', 'defaultValue'): #elif ext[0] in ('allowBlank', 'listWidth', 'store', 'width'): #if isinstance(v, QuerySetIterator): # config['editor'][ext[0]] = list(v) config[ext[0]] = v if ext[0] == 'store': #config['url'] = v['url'] choices = [(c[0],c[1]) for c in o.choices] config['store'] = choices config['displayField'] = 'display' config['editable'] = False #config['editor']['forceSelection'] = True config['hiddenName'] = #config['lastQuery'] = '' config['mode'] = 'local' config['triggerAction'] = 'all' #config['valueField'] = 'id' elif isinstance(v, unicode): config[ext[0]] = v.encode('utf8') else: config[ext[0]] = v return config else: return super(ExtJSONEncoder, self).default(o)