from django import template from PIL import Image from import settings import os """Thumbnail filter based on code from First hacked on hacked further by Nido Media""" register = template.Library() THUMBNAILS = 'thumbnails' SCALE_WIDTH = 'w' SCALE_HEIGHT = 'h' def scale(max_x, pair): """scales pair. Say pair is (x, y). The returned pair will be (max_x, ''y scaled by max_x / x'')""" x, y = pair new_y = max_x * y / x return (int(max_x), int(new_y)) @register.filter def thumbnail(image, arg): """ Checks if a thumbnail image already exists. If not, one is created. The thumbnail will reside in the thumbnail folder relative to the original image path, and bears an indication of it's new size. This filter will return the URL of the thumbnail image. TODO: This filter may not be thread safe""" if not image: return '' original_image_path = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + image.__str__() original_image_url = image.url size = arg if image.width < image.height: mode = SCALE_HEIGHT else: mode = SCALE_WIDTH # defining the size max_size = int(size.strip()) # defining the file name and the miniature file name basename, format = original_image_path.rsplit('.', 1) basename, name = basename.rsplit(os.path.sep, 1) miniature = name + '_' + str(max_size) + '.' + format thumbnail_path = os.path.join(basename, THUMBNAILS) if not os.path.exists(thumbnail_path): os.mkdir(thumbnail_path) miniature_filename = os.path.join(thumbnail_path, miniature) baseurl, crud = original_image_url.rsplit('/', 1) miniature_url = '/'.join((baseurl, THUMBNAILS, miniature)) # if the image wasn't already resized, resize it if (not os.path.exists(miniature_filename) or os.path.getmtime(original_image_path) > os.path.getmtime(miniature_filename) ): image = image_x, image_y = image.size if mode == SCALE_HEIGHT: image_y, image_x = scale(max_size, (image_y, image_x)) else: image_x, image_y = scale(max_size, (image_x, image_y)) image = image.resize((image_x, image_y), Image.ANTIALIAS), image.format) return miniature_url # vim: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=72