import string from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotAllowed class Resource(HttpResponse): """Represents a single resource within a RESTful web service. The ``Resource`` class should be used to represent a single resource within a RESTful web service. It exists to be subclassed for each resource within the service, and these subclasses should define a method for each possible HTTP request method on the so""" def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """Instantiate a ``Resource`` instance. This method overrides ``HttpResponse.__init__``, providing an alternative way of serving views. It calls the overridden method first, to handle the initialization, and then performs a dispatch on the HTTP request method. The return values of these methods are then merged back into the current ``HttpResponse`` instance. Because this is called like a view function, this method accepts a request object and any other positional and/or keyword arguments, These will be passed to the methods defined on a subclass, so those methods should support any arguments given. If the given HTTP request method is not defined for a subclass, then a 405 'Method Not Allowed' response is returned, along with a list of allowed methods (obtained via introspection).""" HttpResponse.__init__(self) if hasattr(self, request.method.lower()): value = getattr(self, request.method.lower())(request, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(value, HttpResponse): self._update(value) elif hasattr(self, 'run'): value =, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(value, HttpResponse): self._update(value) else: allowed_methods = [] for attr in dir(self): if set(attr).issubset(set(string.lowercase)): allowed_methods.append(attr.upper()) self._update(HttpResponseNotAllowed(sorted(allowed_methods))) def _update(self, response): """Merge the info from another response with this instance. This method simply copies the attributes from the given response to this instance, with the exceptions of the ``_headers`` and ``cookies`` dictionaries, whose ``update`` methods are called. This means that any headers or cookies which are present in this response but not the argument are preserved.""" self._charset = response._charset self._is_string = response._is_string self._container = response._container self._headers.update(response._headers) self.cookies.update(response.cookies) self.status_code = response.status_code