from itertools import chain
from django import forms
from django.contrib.admin import widgets
from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode, force_unicode, force_text
from django.utils.html import escape, conditional_escape
class MPTTModelChoiceIterator(forms.models.ModelChoiceIterator):
"""MPTT version of ModelChoiceIterator"""
def choice(self, obj):
"""Overriding choice method"""
tree_id = getattr(obj, self.queryset.model._mptt_meta.tree_id_attr, 0)
left = getattr(obj, self.queryset.model._mptt_meta.left_attr, 0)
return super(MPTTModelChoiceIterator,
self).choice(obj) + ((tree_id, left),)
class MPTTModelMultipleChoiceField(forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField):
"""MPTT version of ModelMultipleChoiceField"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.level_indicator = kwargs.pop('level_indicator', '+--')
super(MPTTModelMultipleChoiceField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def label_from_instance(self, obj):
"""Creates labels which represent the tree level of each node
when generating option labels."""
return u'%s %s' % (self.level_indicator * getattr(
obj, obj._mptt_meta.level_attr), smart_unicode(obj))
def _get_choices(self):
"""Overriding _get_choices"""
if hasattr(self, '_choices'):
return self._choices
return MPTTModelChoiceIterator(self)
choices = property(_get_choices, forms.ChoiceField._set_choices)
class MPTTFilteredSelectMultiple(widgets.FilteredSelectMultiple):
"""MPTT version of FilteredSelectMultiple"""
def render_options(self, choices, selected_choices):
This is copy'n'pasted from django.forms.widgets Select(Widget)
change to the for loop and render_option so they will unpack
and use our extra tuple of mptt sort fields (if you pass in
some default choices for this field, make sure they have the
extra tuple too!)
def render_option(option_value, option_label, sort_fields):
"""Inner scope render_option"""
option_value = force_unicode(option_value)
selected_html = (option_value in selected_choices) \
and u' selected="selected"' or ''
return u'' % (
# Normalize to strings.
selected_choices = set([force_unicode(v) for v in selected_choices])
output = []
for option_value, option_label, sort_fields in chain(
self.choices, choices):
if isinstance(option_label, (list, tuple)):
output.append(render_option(option_value, option_label,
return u'\n'.join(output)
def optgroups(self, name, value, attrs=None):
"""Return a list of optgroups for this widget.
Adapted from django.forms.widgets.ChoiceWidget.optgroups method, the only change was
adding `(t, p)` in the for loop"""
groups = []
has_selected = False
for index, (option_value, option_label, (t, l)) in enumerate(chain(self.choices)):
if option_value is None:
option_value = ''
subgroup = []
if isinstance(option_label, (list, tuple)):
group_name = option_value
subindex = 0
choices = option_label
group_name = None
subindex = None
choices = [(option_value, option_label)]
groups.append((group_name, subgroup, index))
for subvalue, sublabel in choices:
selected = (
force_text(subvalue) in value and
(has_selected is False or self.allow_multiple_selected)
if selected is True and has_selected is False:
has_selected = True
name, subvalue, sublabel, selected, index,
subindex=subindex, attrs=attrs,
if subindex is not None:
subindex += 1
return groups
class Media:
# extend = False
js = ("admin/js/core.js",