from __future__ import unicode_literals import re from html import unescape, escape, entities from django.template.library import Library from django.utils.safestring import SafeString from django.conf import settings from hyphen import hyphenator, dictools register = Library() OUTSIDE_TAGS_RE = re.compile(r'([^<]*)(<[^>]*>)?', re.MULTILINE) WORD_RE = re.compile(r'\w{5,}') SHY = entities.html5['shy;'] @register.filter def hyphen(txt, arg=None): """ Hyphenate a text by automatically adding `­` characters inside the words. This will prompt the browser to add an hyphen at those locations if needed. Usage: `

{{ page.title | hyphen }}

` Inspired by :param txt: string to hyphenate :param arg: target language (in the `fr-fr` form) :return: a hyphenated string """ if arg: code = arg else: code = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE s = code.split('-') try: lang = s[0].lower() + '_' + s[1].upper() except IndexError: lang = s[0].lower() + '_' + s[0].upper() if not dictools.is_installed(lang): dictools.install(lang) h = hyphenator.Hyphenator(lang) def hyphen_word(m): return SHY.join(h.syllables( out = WORD_RE.sub(hyphen_word, txt) return out @register.filter def hyphen_html(html, arg=None): """ Hyphenates the text inside HTML code using the `hyphen()` filter above. Usage: `
{{ page.body | hyphen_html }}
` :param html: HTML code to be hyphenated :param arg: language code in the form `fr-fr`. :return: a safe string with hyphenated HTML inside """ def hyphen_outside_tags(match): return escape(hyphen(unescape(, arg)) + out = OUTSIDE_TAGS_RE.sub(hyphen_outside_tags, str(html)) return SafeString(out)