import csv from collections import OrderedDict from django.db.models import FieldDoesNotExist from django.http import StreamingHttpResponse def prep_field(obj, field): """ (for export_as_csv action) Returns the field as a unicode string. If the field is a callable, it attempts to call it first, without arguments. """ if '__' in field: bits = field.split('__') field = bits.pop() for bit in bits: obj = getattr(obj, bit, None) if obj is None: return "" attr = getattr(obj, field) output = attr() if callable(attr) else attr return unicode(output).encode('utf-8') if output is not None else "" class Echo(object): """An object that implements just the write method of the file-like interface. """ def write(self, value): """Write the value by returning it, instead of storing in a buffer.""" return value def export_as_csv(description, fields=None, exclude=None, use_verbose_names=True, include_header=True): def _export_as_csv(modeladmin, request, queryset): """ Usage: class ExampleModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ('field1', 'field2', 'field3',) actions = [ export_as_csv( 'export to csv', fields=['field1', '('foreign_key1__foreign_key2__name', 'label2'),], include_header=True ) ] """ opts = modeladmin.model._meta def field_name(field): if use_verbose_names: return unicode(field.verbose_name).capitalize() else: return # field_names is a map of {field lookup path: field label} if exclude: field_names = OrderedDict( (, field_name(f)) for f in opts.fields if f not in exclude ) elif fields: field_names = OrderedDict() for spec in fields: if isinstance(spec, (list, tuple)): field_names[spec[0]] = spec[1] else: try: f, _, _, _ = opts.get_field_by_name(spec) except FieldDoesNotExist: field_names[spec] = spec else: field_names[spec] = field_name(f) else: field_names = OrderedDict( (, field_name(f)) for f in opts.fields ) pseudo_buffer = Echo() writer = csv.writer(pseudo_buffer) def content_iterator(): if include_header: yield [i.encode('utf8') for i in field_names.values()] for obj in queryset.iterator(): yield [prep_field(obj, field) for field in field_names.keys()] response = StreamingHttpResponse( (writer.writerow(line) for line in content_iterator()), content_type='text/csv' ) response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s.csv' % (unicode(opts).replace('.', '_')) return response _export_as_csv.short_description = description return _export_as_csv