def dajax_load_form_assets(dajax, form, done=None, fail=None): """ Dynamically loads all the scripts contained in the form media section. dajax -- already instanciated Dajax object form -- form from where to load the scripts done -- js actions to be executed when scripts are loaded fail -- js actions to be executed when scripts failed to load """ if done is None: done = "console.log(\"form scripts loaded via ajax\");" if fail is None: fail = "alert(\"An error occured, try reloading the page.\");" loaders = [] for js in loaders.append('$.ajax({{dataType: "script", cache: true, url: "{0}"}})'.format( dajax.script(""" $.when( {0} ).done(function() {{ {1} }}).fail(function () {{ {2} }});""".format(",\n".join(loaders), done, fail)) @dajaxice_register(method='POST') def ajax_func(request, form=None) dajax = Dajax() if form is not None: my_form = MyForm(form) #do stuff with my_form else: my_form = MyForm() # load your form into the web page dajax.assign('#modalform', 'innerHTML', render_to_string('modalform.html', {'form': my_form, 'button_action': ", { 'form': $('#my-form').serializeJSON() } ); return false;", }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))) # load form's javascript assets dajax_load_form_assets(dajax, my_form) return dajax.json()