from datetime import timedelta from django.core.cache import cache from hashlib import md5 from importlib import import_module from random import randint from redis import Redis from rq import Queue EXPIRY_VARIANCE = 0.2 redis_conn = Redis() redis_queue = Queue(connection=redis_conn) class CacheWarmingUp(Exception): pass # Based on # Modified to stagger cache results (+/- 20% to cache durations) # Modified to prevent cache stampeding (on cache miss, inserts a placeholder while regenerating a hit) # Modified to allow correct storage of None results without triggering cache expiry # Modified to provide asynchronous cache regeneration through python-rq # Cached objects should customize their __repr__ response to include updated timestamps and primary keys def cache_result(*decorator_args, **decorator_kwargs): # Extract the static parameters for this decorator decorator_cache_key = decorator_kwargs.pop("cache_key_override", None) duration = timedelta(*decorator_args, **decorator_kwargs) seconds = int((duration.microseconds + (duration.seconds + duration.days * 24 * 3600) * 1e6) / 1e6) prevent_asynchronous_deferral = decorator_kwargs.pop("cache_prevent_async", seconds < 600) def doCache(original_function): # If caching for 0 seconds, don't even bother if not seconds: return original_function def wrapped_function(*function_args, **function_kwargs): # Generate the key from the function name and given arguments skip_cache_read = function_kwargs.pop("skip_cache_read", False) function_cache_key = function_kwargs.pop("cache_key_override", None) if function_cache_key or decorator_cache_key: unhashed_key = function_cache_key or decorator_cache_key key = unhashed_key else: unhashed_key = unicode([ original_function.__module__, original_function.func_name, function_args, function_kwargs, ]) key = md5(unhashed_key).hexdigest() flag = key + "flag" # Determine what's already stored in cache cached_flag = cache.get(flag) if not skip_cache_read else None cached_result = cache.get(key) if not skip_cache_read else None if cached_flag: # If a result exists, return it. if cached_result: return cached_result[0] # If the flag is set but we have no result then the cache is warming up else: raise CacheWarmingUp(unhashed_key) else: # Protect against cache stampeding cache.set(flag, True, 10 + pow(seconds, 0.5)) # Enqueue a task to regenerate the result, returning a stale result in the interim if cached_result and not prevent_asynchronous_deferral: redis_queue.enqueue( refresh_cache, key, flag, seconds, original_function.__module__, original_function.func_name, function_args, function_kwargs, ) return cached_result[0] # If we have no flag and no result, generate it right now (aka warm the cache) else: result = original_function(*function_args, **function_kwargs) store_cache_result(key, flag, seconds, result) return result return wrapped_function return doCache # A common way of storing both a result and a flag into the cache def store_cache_result(key, flag, seconds, result): cache.set(flag, True, seconds + randint( -int(seconds * EXPIRY_VARIANCE), +int(seconds * EXPIRY_VARIANCE), )) cache.set(key, (result, ), seconds * 100) # The function by which our job queue will process deferred calls def refresh_cache(key, flag, seconds, function_module, function_name, function_args, function_kwargs): function_kwargs["skip_cache_read"] = True try: function = getattr(import_module(function_module), function_name) except AttributeError: function = getattr(function_args[0], function_name) function_args = function_args[1:] function_kwargs["cache_key_override"] = key function(*function_args, **function_kwargs)