Special thanks to the author of snippet 769 who provided most of the code for this snippet.
Major differences:
1.Simpler/better handling of "extends" block tag 2.Searches If/Else blocks 3.Less code 4.Allow list of templates to be passed which is closer to the behavior of render_to_response
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 | from django.template.loader_tags import BlockNode, ExtendsNode
from django.template import loader, Context, RequestContext, TextNode
def get_template(template):
if isinstance(template, (tuple, list)):
return loader.select_template(template)
return loader.get_template(template)
class BlockNotFound(Exception):
def render_template_block(template, block, context):
Renders a single block from a template. This template should have previously been rendered.
return render_template_block_nodelist(template.nodelist, block, context)
def render_template_block_nodelist(nodelist, block, context):
for node in nodelist:
if isinstance(node, BlockNode) and node.name == block:
return node.render(context)
for key in ('nodelist', 'nodelist_true', 'nodelist_false'):
if hasattr(node, key):
return render_template_block_nodelist(getattr(node, key), block, context)
for node in nodelist:
if isinstance(node, ExtendsNode):
return render_template_block(node.get_parent(context), block, context)
except BlockNotFound:
raise BlockNotFound
def render_block_to_string(template_name, block, dictionary=None, context_instance=None):
Loads the given template_name and renders the given block with the given dictionary as
context. Returns a string.
dictionary = dictionary or {}
t = get_template(template_name)
if context_instance:
context_instance = Context(dictionary)
return render_template_block(t, block, context_instance)
def direct_block_to_template(request, template, block, extra_context=None, mimetype=None, **kwargs):
Render a given block in a given template with any extra URL parameters in the context as
``{{ params }}``.
if extra_context is None:
extra_context = {}
dictionary = {'params': kwargs}
for key, value in extra_context.items():
if callable(value):
dictionary[key] = value()
dictionary[key] = value
c = RequestContext(request, dictionary)
t = get_template(template)
return HttpResponse(render_template_block(t, block, c), mimetype=mimetype)
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May you add some documentation and examples?
Example would be great!
This is an outstanding snippet and I'd vote for it to be included into core, but there's a pointless .render() on line 47, presumably left over from debugging.
This is actually a bug because if the entire template requires a variable and the block does not, render_block_to_string will fail without that unnecessary variable.
in django 1.3 there is a problem with nested extends.
To fix: comment out line 47 with "t.render(context_instance" and add "template._render(context)" after line 15.
Seems like it helps. Still not sure why exactly it does.
Really useful snippet, I use it for all my AJAX template rendering code. I just edited function
withNot the regex at the end to avoid unnecessary space characters to be sent over the network.
I'm getting this error : 'template' objects has no attribute 'nodelist'
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