Allows you to search if a user belongs to a given group.
Along the same lines as snippet 390, but uses a regular if
tag so it is more flexible.
(Updated for efficiency. Running a boolean test on a QuerySet avoids a bit of unnecessary overhead.)
(Updated to accept a list of groups.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | @register.filter
def in_group(user, groups):
"""Returns a boolean if the user is in the given group, or comma-separated
list of groups.
{% if user|in_group:"Friends" %}
{% endif %}
{% if user|in_group:"Friends,Enemies" %}
{% endif %}
group_list = force_unicode(groups).split(',')
return bool(user.groups.filter(name__in=group_list).values('name'))
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maybe you could use user.groups.values('name') just to make it more efficient
Thanks, good improvement:
To check if a user is in a comma-separated list of groups just change the last line to the following (it is slightly less efficient than just checking one group):
return bool(user.groups.filter(name__in=groups.split(',')).values('name'))
Just re-ran the speed tests and I was mistaken -- there is virtual no performance difference, so I updated the main snippet. Thanks for the idea.
awesomeness. and for the n00bs like me, don't forget to import force_unicode:
This filter gives an error in Django 1.3.
Wrapping it with if user.is_authenticated(): fixes the problem.
This snippet is extremely useful, but saundersmatt is right. I recommend replacing the last two lines of the snippet with this:
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