Here's a signal handler to log a user in on registration activation. It took me an hour to figure out that I needed to put the user.backend in quotes and google wasn't being my friend.
from the django-registration documentation: How do I log a user in immediately after registration or activation? You can most likely do this simply by writing a function which listens for the appropriate signal; your function should set the backend attribute of the user to the correct authentication backend, and then call django.contrib.auth.login() to log the user in.
1 2 3 4 | def login_on_activation(sender, user, request, **kwargs):
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I was just looking for this. Thanks.
Just a note: This requires the unreleased version of django-registration. The version that's released on PyPI (and that you will get via pip), doesn't appear to emit signals.
Need a little help? What is 'sender' in this function? My thoughts were to call this function from with the registration.activate view.
In my particular setup right now, doing an authenticate (which sets backend) won't work until after a redirect, so it's also useful without django-registration!
Where shoul i put this code? And what url should i use?
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