This is a field that allows multiple markup types but also stores the pre-rendered result in the database which offers an advantage over calling one of the render methods each time. Example usage looks like:
class BlogPost(models.Model):
post = MarkupField()
the various extra fields can then be accessed as follows:
BlogPost.objects.get(pk=1).post # raw content
BlogPost.objects.get(pk=1).post_markup_type # markup type (plain text, html, markdown, rest, textile)
BlogPost.objects.get(pk=1).post_rendered # content of post rendered to html
BlogPost.objects.get(pk=1).post_as_html # property that access post_rendered but marked safe for easy use in templates
After writing my initial version of this I was pointed at the similar
I find mine a bit more useful as it includes ReST and includes a mark_safe call to allow showing the rendered HTML directly. I have however borrowed the nice idea of dynamically building MARKUP_TYPES from #1169.
Also available via
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from django.db import models
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.html import linebreaks, urlize
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
(PLAIN_TEXT, 'plain'),
(HTML, 'html'),
import markdown
MARKUP_TYPES += ( (MARKDOWN, 'markdown'), )
except ImportError:
from docutils.core import publish_parts
MARKUP_TYPES += ( (REST, 'restructuredtext'), )
except ImportError:
import textile
MARKUP_TYPES += ( (TEXTILE, 'textile'), )
except ImportError:
_rendered_field_name = lambda name: '%s_rendered' % name
_markup_type_field_name = lambda name: '%s_markup_type' % name
class MarkupField(models.TextField):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MarkupField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name):
markup_type_field = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=MARKUP_TYPES, default=PLAIN_TEXT)
rendered_field = models.TextField(editable=False)
cls.add_to_class(_markup_type_field_name(name), markup_type_field)
cls.add_to_class(_rendered_field_name(name), rendered_field)
super(MarkupField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name)
def as_html(self):
return mark_safe(getattr(self, _rendered_field_name(name)))
cls.add_to_class('%s_as_html' % name, property(as_html))
def pre_save(self, model_instance, add):
markup_type = getattr(model_instance, _markup_type_field_name(self.attname))
markup = getattr(model_instance, self.attname)
if markup_type == MARKDOWN:
rendered = markdown.markdown(markup)
elif markup_type == REST:
docutils_settings = getattr(settings, "RESTRUCTUREDTEXT_FILTER_SETTINGS", {})
parts = publish_parts(source=markup, writer_name="html4css1", settings_overrides=docutils_settings)
rendered = parts["fragment"]
elif markup_type == TEXTILE:
rendered = textile.textile(markup, encoding='utf-8', output='utf-8')
elif markup_type == PLAIN_TEXT:
rendered = urlize(linebreaks(markup))
rendered = markup
setattr(model_instance, _rendered_field_name(self.attname), rendered)
return markup
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Very nice snippet, thank you. I will be using it for sure. One thing I noticed. Is the below required? I think it can just be taken out.
I wasn't able to successfully run syncdb command (when using django-trunk) when I have defined more than one MarkupField in my models.
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