A drop-in module to allow for full-text searchable models with very little effort. Tested with PostgreSQL 8.3, but should work on earlier versions with the tsearch2 module installed.
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Support for full-text searchable Django models using tsearch2 in PostgreSQL.
An example:
from search import SearchableModel, SearchManager
from django.db import models
class TestModel (SearchableModel):
name = models.CharField( max_length=100 )
description = models.TextField()
# Defining a SearchManager without fields will use all CharFields and TextFields
# objects = SearchManager()
# You can pass a list of fields that should be indexed
# objects = SearchManager( fields=('name','description') )
# You may also specify fields as a dictionary, mapping each field to a weight for ranking purposes
# see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/textsearch-features.html#TEXTSEARCH-MANIPULATE-TSVECTOR
objects = SearchManager( fields={
'name': 'A',
'description': 'B',
} )
# Create some test data. By default, the index field is automatically updated when save() is called.
TestModel.objects.create( name='Model One', description='Hello world, this is a test.' )
TestModel.objects.create( name='Model Two', description='Testing, testing, one two three.' )
# You can force an index update to all or some instances:
TestModel.objects.update_index( pk=1 )
TestModel.objects.update_index( pk=[1,2] )
# Perform a search with no ranking
TestModel.objects.search( 'hello' )
# Perform a search that ranks the results, orders by the rank, and assigns the ranking
# value to the field specified by rank_field
TestModel.objects.search( 'test', rank_field='rank' )
from django.db import models
class VectorField (models.Field):
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
kwargs['null'] = True
kwargs['editable'] = False
kwargs['serialize'] = False
super( VectorField, self ).__init__( *args, **kwargs )
def db_type( self ):
return 'tsvector'
class SearchableModel (models.Model):
A convience Model wrapper that provides an update_index method for object instances,
as well as automatic index updating. The index is stored as a tsvector column on the
model's table. A model may specify a boolean class variable, _auto_reindex, to control
whether the index is automatically updated when save is called.
search_index = VectorField()
class Meta:
abstract = True
def update_index( self ):
if hasattr( self, '_search_manager' ):
self._search_manager.update_index( pk=self.pk )
def save( self, *args, **kwargs ):
super( SearchableModel, self ).save( *args, **kwargs )
if hasattr( self, '_auto_reindex' ):
if self._auto_reindex:
class SearchManager (models.Manager):
def __init__( self, fields=None, config=None ):
self.fields = fields
self.default_weight = 'A'
self.config = config and config or 'pg_catalog.english'
self._vector_field_cache = None
super( SearchManager, self ).__init__()
def contribute_to_class( self, cls, name ):
# Instances need to get to us to update their indexes.
setattr( cls, '_search_manager', self )
super( SearchManager, self ).contribute_to_class( cls, name )
def _find_text_fields( self ):
Return the names of all CharField and TextField fields defined for this manager's model.
fields = [f for f in self.model._meta.fields if isinstance(f,(models.CharField,models.TextField))]
return [f.name for f in fields]
def _vector_field( self ):
Returns the VectorField defined for this manager's model. There must be exactly one VectorField defined.
if self._vector_field_cache is not None:
return self._vector_field_cache
vectors = [f for f in self.model._meta.fields if isinstance(f,VectorField)]
if len(vectors) != 1:
raise ValueError( "There must be exactly 1 VectorField defined for the %s model." % self.model._meta.object_name )
self._vector_field_cache = vectors[0]
return self._vector_field_cache
vector_field = property( _vector_field )
def _vector_sql( self, field, weight=None ):
Returns the SQL used to build a tsvector from the given (django) field name.
if weight is None:
weight = self.default_weight
f = self.model._meta.get_field( field )
return "setweight( to_tsvector( '%s', coalesce(\"%s\",'') ), '%s' )" % (self.config, f.column, weight)
def update_index( self, pk=None ):
Updates the full-text index for one, many, or all instances of this manager's model.
from django.db import connection
# Build a list of SQL clauses that generate tsvectors for each specified field.
clauses = []
if self.fields is None:
self.fields = self._find_text_fields()
if isinstance( self.fields, (list,tuple) ):
for field in self.fields:
clauses.append( self._vector_sql(field) )
for field, weight in self.fields.items():
clauses.append( self._vector_sql(field,weight) )
vector_sql = ' || '.join( clauses )
where = ''
# If one or more pks are specified, tack a WHERE clause onto the SQL.
if pk is not None:
if isinstance( pk, (list,tuple) ):
ids = ','.join( [str(v) for v in pk] )
where = " WHERE \"%s\" IN (%s)" % (self.model._meta.pk.column, ids)
where = " WHERE \"%s\" = %s" % (self.model._meta.pk.column, pk)
sql = "UPDATE \"%s\" SET \"%s\" = %s%s;" % (self.model._meta.db_table, self.vector_field.column, vector_sql, where)
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute( sql )
cursor.execute( "COMMIT;" )
def search( self, query, rank_field=None, rank_normalization=32 ):
Returns a queryset after having applied the full-text search query. If rank_field
is specified, it is the name of the field that will be put on each returned instance.
When specifying a rank_field, the results will automatically be ordered by -rank_field.
For possible rank_normalization values, refer to:
ts_query = "to_tsquery('%s','%s')" % (self.config, unicode(query).replace("'","''"))
where = "\"%s\" @@ %s" % (self.vector_field.column, ts_query)
select = {}
order = []
if rank_field is not None:
select[rank_field] = 'ts_rank( "%s", %s, %d )' % (self.vector_field.column, ts_query, rank_normalization)
order = ['-%s' % rank_field]
return self.all().extra( select=select, where=[where], order_by=order )
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Shouldn't "to_tsquery" be replaced with "plainto_tsquery" in the search function?
I am inclined to agree with @nab on
. Also, I am thinking the default ordering should specifyts_rank
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